OT POLL: What do you do when you're all alone?
HA ha i watch lez porns and umm well pleasure my self !!
not lately cuz we moved in with my mom to save for a house which i (we) decided to not do anymore because i decided im going to school to be a R.N. if we bought the house id be stuck at a job i hate..my g/f works with me at the same place she doesnt mind right now the job but ive been there longer. LOL I dont know how I said all this it was only a simple question

Well lets see....
I am always online surfing the net, learning about WLS or buying Mickey Mouse stuff from Ebay with my gf's credit card.
I watched my first gay man porn yesterday and really enjoyed it. I know I'm a lesbian and NO it did not turn me on. I just thought it was ummm, interesting.
I do watch my share of porn when she is gone because we never can get through an entire one before we are making out.
I also like thoes semi porn movies that are on Showtime on demand where all the boobies are fake and the acting is horrible.
Most of all I am still addicted to Season 1 L word and watching this season Queer As Folk.

I am a femme to well i could be "soft butch maybe" i dont know i love all kinds but shane not really...and Definitly not jenny to many issues for me!! i like marina...and hey you know the grl that bette cheated with the carpenter oh yeah i love her too shes so hot!! love the latina's
ing Carmen