Dont Sign my page, Your a lesbian!
I love this site and all the things I have learned about WLS. I am more of a lurker but I do often post to tell someone congratulations on their success. I also try to sign Surgery pages as often as I can. I dont have time to sign each and every one so I skip around and always sign pages for people in North Carolina.
I got a email to my main eamil address from someone that was NOT so nice.
IT READ.........
You signed my surgery page before I had surgery and I appreciate it but after reading your profile on OH I see that you are a lesbian. I dont approve of the homosexual lifestyle so DONT ever sign my page again or respond back to this!!
This really made me upset because all I was trying to do was show someone support. I've been in this lifestyle for a long time so I've had my share of discrimmination but this really hurt me.
This happened over the weekend and I was not going to say anthing about it but it was eating me up inside. I read it like 4 times and everytime I did, I cried. I need to let it go so I'm here to vent and put it behind me.
Thanks for letting me vent...
I am so sorry that you had to experience something like that. No, I take it back - you didn't have to experience it at all, it shouldn't have happened! I can't believe how close-minded people can be.. You were just reaching out and being supportive, and that is the thanks you got? My heart goes out to you, hon. Try to not let it get you down, though. Things like this are discouraging but it won't be the last time it happens, unfortunately. All you can do is use your emotions to turn it into something positive.. something that makes you stronger in the long run. You didn't deserve that at all.
Again, I'm sorry that you experienced that. People can be so harsh. *hugs and much love*

Thanks Brandy for your kind words. I was soo suprised this happened. Its not like I flaunt my lifestyle or told this person about my love life and partner after I said congratulations to them about their surgery. Oh well thats life and I'm officially over it. Sh*t happens.
Take Care and Congrats on your new relationship!

Wow Special K ! You're getting a ton of hits on this post on the main messageboard. Including mine. So I won't reproduce my message here. Hope all the responses were helpful to you. The outpouring is amazing. Take care. PS If I ever get a surgery page you not only can sign it but I'll fly you out to my neck of the woods and you can tattoo it on my forehead !! Cheers.
I'm sorry you had to go through this Kay! It hurts my heart to no end to know that in the year 2005 there are still people who are so closed minded that they feel the need to be so hateful. Being in the deep south myself, I've often felt the brunt of discrimination and I know how you feel. Sending you some good vibes for a better day today