Eeek! surgery this Thursday!
:::::deep breath::::: ok, all the preparation is done, I've rescheduled my clients for work, my friends are supportive and on board, my sweet wife has a calendar to organize and schedule my friends to come help care for me in my recovery while she is at work...could I be any more blessed?
I even tracked down my old therapist since I am sure that all kinds of sh*t will come up as the weight goes down.
Despite all that and lots of meditation and prayers, the anxiety is still there. Not so much the surgery, but the pain and the healing afterwards... Such a big step. On Tuesday I am going to the mikveh. It is a Jewish ritual bath. The last time I went was before my sweetie and I got married 2 yrs ago. It is a chance to let go of the old and make fresh space for the new.
I do love the idea that I will come home from the hospital for Independence Day. My REAL independence day, a chance to start getting more mobility, less pain, more energy.
OK, I'm babbling, I guess I am more nervous than I'd like to believe. Better to watch our fabulous gay parade on the TV today...and keep breathing.