Alcohol & Carbonation Question...
Hey Family:
I am officially 5months post op (since the 13th) and I've been tolerating alcohol pretty well. I drink sips of smirnoffs and michelob ultra here and there, and had some vodka recently. My question is, I don't drink sodas and have cut back on my caffiene. But, will the carbonation in the alcohol hurt me worse than sodas? I mean, I sometimes burp and stuff, but it's not uncomfortable because I can hold it pretty well and I get drunk quickly LOL
Does anyone have problems with the fizzy stuff?
-85 (lost 4lbs this week/weekend)

Dear Beth!
I don't know about the fizzies and drinks....but I do know YOU LOOK MARVOLOUS!!! I am one month out tomorrow.....and I can't wait to be 5 months out.....if I'll look as great as you do! I see a healthy woman full of life! Congratulations on being such a brave and wonderful soul!
Goddess Bless!