Ok so I'm two years out...
And feeling so dang lonely I just can't stand it anymore! You see not only did I have an open RNY, but I've done the pann (sorry can't remember how to spell it) and I'm bipolar to boot. I moved to TX last year (Andrews to be exact to be with my honey). I know the people on my street (mostly older than I am) and that's it. I can't drive (no license) so I'm kind of stuck. I just want someone besides the dogs to walk with and talk to (the dogs are cool cuz they don't talk back, but geesh). I would love to join a health club but money is a factor as I don't work...
I've gained 15 lbs and I'm miserable!!!!!!! And I apologize...I don't mean to sound so down...I'll get off the pity party soap box now...LOL
Huggies to all!
Hi Lisa,
I'm sorry that you are feeling so down lately. I wish I had some advice for you--but hopefully you will find the friendship and support you need on the boards. If you'd like to e-mail me...I'm always looking for new "e-mail buddies!!"
Even though you're going through a hard time right now--remember how far you've come--you look great and congratulations on all of your success so far!
It will get better soon!!

Hi Lisa,
Sorry your down. I get that way too when I don't have a lot of things going on.. Have you tried the local TX board for people in your area for a support group meetings?
Maybe getting a new hobby something you can get together with people or NOT... I just learned to crochet - something I NEVER thought I would do... hell I can't even hardly sew a button on a shirt and when I need my pants hemmed I just cut 'em.. but anyway it's finding something fun and cheap to do.
When I get thinner I want to try tap dancing! YEHAW!
Hi Lisa,
It sounds like you are in a difficult spot right now. My first bit of advice is to make sure any meds you are taking for bi-polar are in check. I know how when those meds aren't working up to par, it can be even more difficult to deal with everything else in life.
Second, use us as your online friends. I can't believe how supportive everyone on this board has been. And, in some ways, online friends are just like "real life " friends. In fact, my best "real life" friends I only see maybe once a year or less!
If you can't afford a health club, could you afford a bicycle--even a used one? That would give you excercise and mobility! And are there any doggie parks in your area? Your poochie could meet new friends and so could you!
Hang in there and feel free to email me!
I'm home all day for a few more weeks so I'm only an email away DON'T HESITATE to email or chat ok??? I know how hard depression is and being alone feels ROTTEN. I've been there.
((((((hugs))))))) &
Maybe you and your SO can join a local GLBT group or women's support group in town? Look online ok?
Keep me posted,

I want to thank y'all for all your support. You have no idea how much it's helping just to be able to vent to people who truly know what you're going through. Things may be looking up...we're delivering a dog to his new forever home this Saturday, and picking up 2 more (shelter puppies). Next weekend, we're going to deliver another and hopefully not come back with more...
I'm going to start walking in the morning again. We have so many dogs between our fosters and regulars I can take a different one every day! I'm also drinking more water (love Propel) and am just taking life one minute at a time.
Think we could set up a chat sometime?