The skinny friends they ever understand...
I had my first experience today, telling friends that I was considering WLS, and the group .... in unison ...loudly proclaimed ...DON'T DO THAT!! Of course one of them is so tiny I could put him in my back pocket ...the other is fit enough to be a male model and the woman (who begged me to go to Weigh****chers with her) couldn't possibly have a BMI over 23. They kept saying .... there are lots of other ways to lose ... you can do it ... ya da ya da ya da ....
Guess I can be grateful that they didn't at least say I was taking the "easy" way out. I know their hearts were in the right place...we all belong to the same church and one of our church members has been dealing with severe complications from WLS....for many years now.
They kept telling me to talk to that woman ...and I have. Her answer to me was that yes, she would do the surgery again ...but this time she would research the doctor better first. Her doctor did not require....or even suggest, any after care!! Can you believe that?
Happy Pride you all ...... we are expecting over 200,000 at our festival here in DC tomorrow. We're here ..... we're queer .... and there are TONS of us !!! Once I get this done and reach goal there will be the equivalent of one less person ....guess I'll have to go convert someone

I see I am not the only one with a skinny friend that freaked out about WLS.
Its so easy for someone under 150 to tell you to walk, cut back on your food, join weigh****chers or join a gym.
I have learned to let the comments fly over my head because how could they totally understand how we feel.
Good luck in your journey to have WLS!

Hey girlie
I don't think I had any "skinny" friends that freaked on me, but they had PLENTY of horror stories to tell and TRY to deter me, however, my "closest" friends knew how bad I was suffering...
Take note, AFTER your surgery, things will be strangely different between you and some of your friends, hope not, but just in case, don't worry...some people cannot adjust to other people's success...
I wish you the best of luck, and I'm only an email away if you want to chat!

Thanks Beth .... I was hoping that coming out of the fat body would not imitate the coming out of the closet ....but suspect you are right. I was 47 before I figured out my sexuality, so people had known me as straight for a long time lot of "friends" drifted away. Now, people have known me as a fat lesbian for 11 years ....another change for them to deal with.....
Thank goodness my partner and my children are absolutely supportive, as were the kids when I came out. So....."friends" can do what they wish ...I'll just tell them what one of my ex's used to say ...."love ya lady, bye bye"...