Pride fest this weekend , can't go

on 6/10/05 10:01 am - Milwaukee, WI
I having been waiting for pride fest to come, evertime pride fest comes to milwaukee something comes up , then me and my partner don't go. Well this time there is nothing going on but I can't walk but a few feet before my back starts hurting ,knees start hurting then I can't catch my breath. I am waiting on the insurance commissioner to find out if I am going to approved for wls, I feel like my parnter is suffering . She always saying that alright baby don't worry about it. But sometime i just think that i am a burdon to her . Because of my co morbities our sex life is like non existance. I pray i don't lose her she tells me that she loves me, no matter what. I just feel like I am such a burden.
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/05 11:57 am - Milwaukee, WI
Hey Sherry! I live in Milwaukee, too. I don't know if I'm going to Pride this year, but I've been lots of other years. What's nice about having Pride at the SUmemrfest gorunds is that you can see a lot of what's going on if you can get to the main stage area. Once you're there, everything is right in that area. Maybe you could reserve a great seat for you and your honey while she pops around for stuff to drink, etc? Or, maybe you could rent a wheelchair? I've seen lots of folks wheelin' around. It sounds like your partner is a sweetheart. You should believe her when she tells you that she loves you no matter what. Because, chances are, she wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it! Plus, you've been together a while. That says a lot. Just hang in there! Jen
David B.
on 6/10/05 1:14 pm - Modesto, CA
Sherry, Believe her when she tells you that. Get the wheel chair and go. I think that is a great idea. As you know there is more to a relationship then sex, I understand that whole idea. My partner is much younger then me and I feel that I am a let down when it comes to sex, but I can tell you 2 weeks post surgery I am going to do some catching up. I feel it. Best of luck to you and your wonderful partner. Don't forget, we should have pride all year long, not just one weekend. David
special kay
on 6/10/05 1:55 pm - Ladson, SC
Hi OMG.. I can relate to your post soo much. I felt like I was reading one of my diary enteries. It brought tears to my eyes. Me and my partner did not go to our pride this year because of me. I cant walk long distance either without my back hurting like crazy and my knees killing me. I felt so bad because this is something we always do every year. She said she understood and she loves me reguardless. I'm sorry your going through this but understand you are not the only one. We are in the same boat. Sounds like your partner is loving and understanding of your situation too.We are lucky to have them. I will say a prayer for you in hopes that you get a date soon. Take Care, Kay
& Then Some
on 6/11/05 11:27 am - in, FL
Hi Wisconsin girl! Me and my partner road through your state last Oct. (we're from Fl.) Your state is beautiful. I read your post and I can relate as I think most of us here can.. on both accounts. I just had my surgery in April. It was a year and 4 months before I actually got approved. In that time I was very stressed and kept gaining. I got to the point where I was no fun to me or my partner. Take the love your partner is giving and don't worry about not going to Pride fest, it'll be there next year, or better yet, come to Florida and go with us! Hang tough, Good luck and God bless.
on 6/14/05 7:23 am - Effort, PA
Hi Sherry, I'm sorry your still waiting for them to either **** or get off the pot when it comes to your surgery. Don't feel like your a burden to anyone. If your partner did not love you she would not stand by your side. My husband stood by my side and put up with a lot and waited and now we have all kinds of fun Hugs Donna 338/211 -127
rainbow Q.
on 6/18/05 4:41 pm - toledo, OH
Hi Sherry, I have family in Milwaukee on North 33rd and near the Mall thats way out. Forgot the name. My dad lives there and he has 16 brothers and sisters that lives there too. I have lots of cousins. I'm the oldest grandchild and the oldest child. You might know some of my family. I would love to go to a pride fest anywhere. We don't have that kind of thing going on in Toledo, Ohio. there are no clubs for african americans. I would like to open up my own club. Well I just wanted to say hi and a few other things . Have a good day or night.
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