Am I lossing or not?

Oscar C.
on 5/29/05 4:03 pm - San Diego, CA
Hi Everyone... So I dont know if anyone gets this right after surgery. My family tell me I look thin (very few people know of my surgery) some go over board I think by telling me "wow" or asking me if I look sick. The thing is I just do not see it. Is it me or do a lot of people get this? I am always more scared of gaining than anything, but I don't see how! I would have to really hate my self to start gaining. I mean my clothes are falling off, but this just does not feel like much of a difference. I know it has been two months, but when can you really tell? Oh well I am just frustrated thats all!
on 5/29/05 11:56 pm - Andrews, TX
Hi Oscar, What you're feeling is totally normal. We have been so used to being overweight, it truly takes awhile to see our bodies changing. I am an advocate of counseling, because I've noticed that many of us need to have an objective person help us "adjust" to the new body. As you get smaller (and the logical side of you knows you are but the "programmed" side of you just doesn't let you feel it) there will be a time where you will start to feel better. In the meantime, please, talk to your doc and get a referral so that you can really work on the adjustments that you're body is making so you can learn to enjoy it! Much luck! Lisa
Oscar C.
on 5/30/05 1:57 pm - San Diego, CA
Thank you Lisa. I am going to a therapist now. She is great! I will bring this up with her to make a plan. I did not know it is "normal" to feel like this. Regards, Oscar
on 6/8/05 11:25 am - Noblesville, IN
I think there's a lot at work with these kinds of comments/feelings. My mother thought I was wasting away although my doc said I was fine. I think part of it, not to put too fine a point on it, is that we're not so used to seeing thin people in our culture ('cept on TV!). Plus the contrast with what we look like after the surgery is so great...and ordinarily that kind of dramatic change is often the result of illness. It has taken me a very long time to get used to seeing myself as anything other than fat and you'll probably experience the same thing. Best of luck to you!
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