Had my pre-admissions testing
Hello All,
Wow it really is going to happen (unless there are issues with my insurance). I'm so ready to get the surgery done. I met with my surgeon yesterday for the last time before my date (June 20th) and then had pre-admissions tests done. I arrived at Temple Hospital at 8:45 and didn't get out of the parking garage until 2:45. What a day!!
I'm still not as nervous as I guess I should be. The surgeon went over all the complications yesterday and of course the last one was "you can die from this" Instead of a 1% risk he said I probably have probably a 3% risk because of all of my co-morbidities. I don't think he appreciated it when I said, "well, that means I have a 97% chance of making it." He did smile but moved right on to the next topic. Anyway my appointment with him went well... Oh I forgot he wasn't happy that I gained 5 lbs. I can lose that in two weeks and I have almost three to the surgery so I'll get it off.
The next part of the day was pre-admissions testing. It did not start off well but ended up okay. The part that didn't go well was during the registration when they asked are you "married, single or divorced" and I said, "none of the above." The lady said well sir you are one of them and I said, "I'm Vermont Civil Unioned, not married, single or divorced." She said that wasn't an option and I told her to then leave it blank. She smiled and moved on. The next part of the process was not nearly as problematic. It involved an hour-long medical history, brief physical and then a consult with the anesthesiologist. She tells me because of the sleep apnea they will tube me while away and then not take it out until I begin to wake up. I'm really worried about that. I gage easily and really don't' want to even know they have something down my throat. But I'll get through it. Next I had blood work and a chest x-ray. Then they took an ultrasound of my leg veins to make sure I don't' have DVT already. All was/is clear and I'm a go. Now if I can just find a decent protein powder I'll be set. Yesterday was my partner's birthday so I cooked a big meal and we had sugar free birthday cake from Wal-Mart. He said that was great. I'm going to miss having you cook for me after your surgery. I told him I would still cook just different food and less of it. We are going up to NYC for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and to see friends. It will probably be the last trip until the end of July when I'm on the other side. I can't wait. Has anyone experience having the tube put into your air way while you are awake?? I'm still a little freaked about that.
Congratulations and I hope all goes well. I like your humor with the docs/nurses. Like you, I hate filling out the information about being married/divorced/single. My wife and I were married in San Francisco on Feb. 14th of last year, and even though the state nullified them, I still check off married.
As for the tubing, I sympathize with you. I can't handle anything down my throat. Heck, I can't even brush my tongue without puking! My dentist teases me about my horrible gag reflex. Good luck!
Good luck sweetie with everything!!!!!!!
I haven't experienced the tube in me while awake thing, but I have experienced the trauma of a rude nurse yanking my breathing tube out of my throat. That was a horrible experience.
Got any sugar free cake left?
tee hee
Try www.unjury.com for protein powder hun......I get the unflavored. You can mix it with almost ANYTHING but not very hot stuff...Jerome is a great guy! email him and he'll help you with any questions. They advertise on here too...I'm on my second container of UU *unjury unflavored*
Best wishes! Keep us posted!
