who are you ???
Have you gone through the "Not know who you are faze"? I put on my profile a couple weeks ago I waved at myself because the person was staring.... I was looking in a mirror in the mall. Since that time I have taken full body shots that keep with me so I can look at them regularly. But I am still catching myself off guard. Granted I love the new me..... but how long will this faze last?
Cheryl B
You are funny! I know how you feel though - I was in a department store over the weekend and saw this chicky in a mirror - I thought was really cute - turns out it was me. I was quite embarassed, to say the least... checking myself out!! I have two friends who had WLS over two years ago and they still do the same thing, so I am guessing it is a long journey for the mind to catch up to the body. Good luck with your journey!