psych eval
Hi everyone
The eval was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. My case worker did make it sound like it was going to be 3 LONG HOURS of me on his couch pouring my heart out. It lasted a little over an hour. He asked me about my family and my weight. I had two math test, A reading test, A spelling test, answer some history questions. Played with some blocks , look at some pictures of ink blobs and told him what I think I saw, definations test and other word test.
He was very nice and to the point. It was not at all what I expected. It made me feel like I really did not pay attention in High School with the History questions and the oral math test.
I will get a phone call in about a week or two and we will discuss the results.
Thanks for everyones kind words when I first posted about my eval.
Take Care,

Hello Kay....
I'm glad it went so well for you! I had some of the same fears as you did...but realized that it was a breeze!
Your evaluation sounds much different then mine though. My psychologist took a history of my weight, eating habits, exercise habits, and family history--but it never got into all those tests and blocks and such....sounds interesting!!
Take care and good luck on your journey!

Glad it went well. Very different from mine too - mine was more of a chat about my life, my history, family, etc. The psychologist was very supportive of my relationship which was terrific. I felt that we liked each other and he told the doc that I was an excellent candidate - very realistic and intelligent. Wow - that seems like yesterday.