I got my date
I've got the date for my surgery. I work as a school counselor and really hoped for the first Monday of Summer break so that I have the entire summer to recooperate. I called last week and found out Monday June 20th (The first Monday of summmer break) was wide open so I booked it. I'm so happy. Now I just need the insurance approval and to clear the pre-admissions tests. They tell me they have not had a BC/BS-PPO denial so I hope I'm not the first. My partner screamed with joy when I told him. He has been concerned about the surgery but is excited for me. I finish the school year on June 16th so I'm hoping we can go away for the a few days before I begin preping. I assume that will start on Friday night or Saturday morning for a Monday surgery? Anyone know how far inadvance you usually begin the prep proceedure?
Chip way to go. I am a teacher and was hoping to get a surgery date after school, but I am going in on the 25th of May. I just got back from pre-op and I was instructed to make changes a while back with the multi-vitamins and the clacium and my protien shakes for breakfast. The final prep is the day before. so take a few days with your partner. Best of luck to you.
So happy to hear that you have a date.. 

As far as the prep goes, I think that all docs are a little different in what they want, but usually everybody is done within 2 weeks of their surgery. Your partner sounds like he is right where mine was before the surgery, nervous but supportive. You are a lucky man to have his support.
Keep us posted on your progress. We will all be pulling for you!