Need advice!!!!(LONG)
Okay, I have a friend that has a problem. She came to me for help and I didn't know what to tell her. So, I figured I would come here and try to get some help for her.
Okay, I have a friend that for the longest time had been feeling like she was bi-sexual. She, as a kid I think between the ages of 10 and 12, had her first experience with a girl. Now she is in her 30s. She said that through the years she has looked at other girls and have thought they were very attractive and always wondered what it would be like to be with another woman. She hasn't been with another woman or anything since she was at that young age. She has been married and is now divorced and has dated other guys through they years and nothing has worked out. But she really doesn't know what to do. She at times wants to be with a woman, dating and all, but she is afraid that there are some things that she couldn't do with another woman romantically. She has never gone down on a woman and she is not sure if she could bring herself to do this. But she does have a love for women. Am I making sense at all? I don't know if I am or not. I don't know how to come out with this one.
What kind of advice can I give to her? She is going crazy about this. She just got in contact with a friend that she had been friends with for years and her friend is gay and when she is around her it makes her think more about herself being bi-sexual.

For what it's worth, my advice would be to tell your friend that if she feels like there is something whirling around her insides that stirs her curiosity then she should allow herself to pursue it. Simply put, if it is a natural thing for her, then the sexual acts that she is afraid of will come just as natural for her when and if the time comes.
All this thinking about the whole thing won't do her a bit of good unless she opens herself up to her feelings about women and does something to pursue what she is longing for. The rest is just an outside expression of what the inside feels.
As soon as she understands that "I am what I am" thing, the rest is just icing on the cake.