Today.. 1 year.. I can hardly believe it!
I have to post today. One year ago today, I had my surgery. I have to share with you all how awesome I feel, how proud I am of myself, and how much this surgery has meant to me.
A year ago today, I couldn't walk far without feeling terrible. I fell asleep after coming home from shopping because I was totally exhausted. Every part of my body took turns and had get togethers with other parts of my body to hurt. I took 2 blood pressure pills a day that kept my BP lower, but not under control. I had to take breathing pills, allergy pills, and I was constantly getting whatever illness was going around. My 42 year old body was feeling all the effects of obesity and my health was on a down hill spiral. My partner did my part of much of the daily living things to help me because I couldn't do them myself. I scoped out where I could fit when I went places because I had to. I had to buy my clothing from the super sized catalogs because I usually couldn't find them in even the fat girl stores. I had stopped doing many of the things I loved because I just could not do them anymore. I felt hopeless, despair, and I didn't like myself very much because of the person that the excess weight had caused me to become. It was a chore just to get through the day.
My surgery was marked with many severe complications and I nearly died. It could be that in some ways, the person who I had become did die, but only to make way for the new and improved version of me. The complications though only gave me the extra reinforcement that I needed to make this work. Once I got out of the hospital (a 6 week vacation I wouldn't suggest to anyone), I ate like I was supposed to and I started to exercise and do the things I was supposed to. My life changed dramatically. Every single day, I felt a little better and I started to get a quality of life back that I hadn't had for years.
This surgery has renewed my spirit. It is the tool that I needed to move on to a better me. As of this morning, I am just a hair shy of having lost 200 pounds. I now appreciate life in a way that I only dreamed of before. Before I thought that in order to taste life, I had to put it in my mouth. Not any more. I am humbled, and grateful, and I promise to myself that I will never go back to living my life in a fat suit.
To those who have had the surgery, congratulations! To those of you trying to have it I send you the very best that I can give. I send you my prayers, my happiness, my support and my heart. I encourage you to do this for yourself if you know it's right, and to make it work for you.
I am going out tonight to celebrate my new life. I am going dancing with my partner and my friends. I figure there is no better way to celebrate my success than to move my body to the music that I love. I have always loved to dance, and I feel more alive when I dance then any other time.
With that I leave you all with just one thought. Do that for yourself. In whatever way you dance and however it is that you feel most alive....Do it for yourself now... Dance.

Sorry for running on and on,
Have a great day,