Need some support!
Hi everyone! I do not post here that much I mostly just live vicariously through the regulars here! I read the boards several times a day! I know how great all of you are with your powers of prayer and good thoughts and good vibes. So I am asking for some of that now. I was let go from my job yesterday for "productivity reasons / not enough work" that was a crock because there are other people who do less work and get more things! But a few of the women who worked there never liked me from the begining due to discrimination issues of their own. But I am just so down and just need a little pick me up and some good thoughts and prayers.
But on a good note I am down to the 100's! I am at 197 and I don't ever remember being that weight maybe junior high!
Thanks for listening!
I agree with the one door closes another opens thing entirely. I am thinking that positive things are coming your way. Keep your spirits high and you will find a better new job before you know it.
Congrats on being in the hundreds! Isn't it awesome? You are doing wonderful, keep up the good work.