OT - election news very bad for GLBT
Very sad this morning. As you all know, it's looking like we'll have another 4 years of homophobia. At least - that's not even counting any of the Supremes that might be appointed. And at least 10 states passing constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. Friends, our work is cut out for us. For those of you who are closeted in any way, I understand but hope that at some point you come out. To my mind, the most important thing that we can do is to come out - let those who love us, who work with us, who know us in any way, know that we are GLBT. Put your face to it and work like anything for equality. It's going to be much harder for the next 4 years but it's not impossible to make some strides.
In Pride,
You would think with the war in Iraq and war's here in the US the Governmant would have more important things to put forward then what we do with our private lives. People are dieing and they're worried about who we love. Somethings wrong with that. I feel lucky we live in Ca where there are atleast Domestic Partner laws. I just hope they dont take those away. I will never understand what is so wrong with love and why it has to have rules. Its my life can't I live it?