Work out question???
I was wondering for those of you who have already had surgery how long did you wait before you started working out? if you bought equipment for your home or did you join a gym?
If any of you {pre or post op} has bought tredmills where di you get it? could you find one that supported your weight {300lbs and over} ?
I have not had surgery as of yet but am looking to buy a tredmill and so far I have found either they are $2000 & up or most only supports up to 300lbs. I need one to hold up to at least 350 or 400lbs.
Any suggestions

I have a ProForm treadmill that I got from Sears a few years ago. It supported my weight when I weighed 314. Don't worry, you're going to lose that weight fast and you won't have to worry about being too big for the treadmill.
By the time you are cleared to exercise strenously, you'll have the weight down. In the meantime, you can always walk outside! That's what I do...I'm saving the treadmill and Nordic Tra****il the bad weather.
Good luck and keep us posted on what/how you are doing!
I have a suggestion, have you gone to any Curves or curcuit type gym?? I go to a womans ONLY gym, and they do the same routine (30 minutes) as Curves and I love it, I've been going for over a year. All sizes of women go and it's MUCH cheeper then a treadmill. And they all should have one free first day just to check it out.
Only thing for me is I hate the music so I wear my fanny pack with my walkman and play hip hop!!
I looked all over the place for treadmills too and the best place is in the news paper at yard sales and such. But like the other person said the wieght capacity wont be a problem here too much longer!!!

Thanks for the response everyone. I know the walking would do me alot of good only problem is I cant walk for to long walkin a half of a block is a struggle for me, I have a pinched nerve in my back so it makes it very very hard to walk. So I figured if I bought a treadmill it would help me out a lot to get back into the swing of things until the weight starts to come down and since I wont be in the street I can take my time walking without the fear of people knocking into me.
I did find a treadmill at Sears
for $779 A nordick track supports over 300lbs which is what I wanted. I am excited about that and it will be deliverd on Wednesday. Cant wait
Thanks for all of the advice I appreciate it