And a beautiful day here in Palm Springs - it's supposed to go to 111 today so it will be warm. I'm a little over 3 months out and I've only lost 55 lbs total (a little of that prior to surgery) but I feel wonderful. Asthma seems nonexistent and blood pressure is going down. I feel great.
The other Ruth (maybe I should use my full name now)
Ruth Debra
Hello Ruth(ann) and Saliena and Ruth D.!!!
The high today will be only 94 degrees, which is extremely mild for us...I don't think we have "officially" hit 100 yet this year...I know it's coming---August is usually blistering!!!
Ruth D., you can keep that 111!!! I hope you stay inside and keep yourself hydrated...
Congratulations to the Ruths on your tremendous weight-loss!!! Saliena, you will be a big loser in no-time at all!!!
Reporting from Dallas, TX...