Do you post on other boards on OH?
Hello all - do you post on any of the other OH boards? Do you ever feel excluded or discriminated against? I've been posting on the CA board and the Over 50's boards and they've been pretty ok but today on the oldies board I was really lambasted by one of the members when I reminded her that the board wasn't strictly hetero. I really feel attacked and know that wouldn't happen here. We're not very active, though. So - what do you all think about being more active? We may be a small group - but what about our allies? Or people with GLBT family members? I love the OH support, but also feel that we have our own issues. What do you all think?
Happy Pride month.
Ruth, I personally think you should let one of the moderators know of the attack. No one on this website should EVER be attacked, we are all in the same boat, and try to help each other as much as possible. If they dislike you so much that they feel they need to take a swipe at you, then they should keep it to themselves.
I post to the OH and Black AMerican forums. There has been instances where comments were made I didn't care for. BUT to me ignorance needs no answer. I'm tired of explaining myself to people. I am a very nice person BUT people will be people.
I can say I have met a lot of very nice and wonderful people on the different boards..Rikka..Dee..Cookie..Scorpio..LAdy A (everyone has changed their name)
..But I take it in stride. I'm not here to please anyone just learn what I can. And if someone doesn't like me because I am gay.I DON'T GIVE A ****. Thats just me. (If my Angel reads this she is going to tell me to bringit down) I'm so hyper lately about this subject just can't stand judgmental people who act like they r perfect who live iin glass houses.
Ok I'm done.
OH Surgery date changed to 8/2.....

I usually am on the FL board but not so long ago found this board. There are alot of issues that we have to deal with already being obese, one would think that we all have matured enough in life having to put up with all the insults that come with obesity alone. Ah yes, but we have an even shorter end of the stick from people who have certain types of "phobias". Well to this I say, "leave it to thier conscience and ignorance", they just have alittle more to learn and overcome in life than just obesity!
Peace and happiness to all!