Little Known Universe!
Hello all,
I just stumbled upon the site while looking for all of the different things on Imagine my surprise that they had a lesbian page. Now maybe I will be more comfortable talking to others who have had/will have the bariatric surgery. My partner and I have been together for almost 8 years. She was not very supportive at first, you know scared I will die etc., but after many talks about it, I have told her I am afraid I will die if I don't have it done. She seems to be a lot more supportive now. I have not been able to find a surgeon in Missouri who will do the duodenal switch and is also covered by my ins ****igna PPO). I have already found out that they too will require me to be on a medically supervised diet for 6 months before they will approve the surgery.
My BMI is currently 54.1. I have another appointment with my PCP so he can "medcially supervise" me. LOL I joined weigh****chers. I don't think I have to worry about losing so much I don't qualify for the surgery!
I have many of the comorbities that are always listed. Anyway, I will quit babbling on. Great to find this forum. Best of luck to all of you. Wish me luck in my quest as well!

Hi Deb and Welcome!
I'm glad you and your partner were able to work through some of the fears so you can start your quest. My partner, coincidentally named Deb, is also afraid I will die from the surgery. There's really not too much you can do to decrease that fear. I'm sure you know it's a very natural fear we all experience any time a loved one goes under anesthesia. She's combating the fear a bit with education and attending the support group meetings with me. She also has a lot of confidence in my surgeon so I think that's helping.
Curious as to your choice of a duodenal switch versus RNY which seems to be a little easier to get thorugh the insurance hurdles. Also, they're making you have six months medically supervised before the surgery?, or just in your life?? I just had to prove that at some point in my diet history I had at least six months of medically supervised diets. I beat that by about two years!
Well, welcome and good luck to you Deb!
Hi Chari, Yes they are requiring me to have 2!! medically supervised diets of at least 26 weeks duration. (funny 26 weeks is exactly 6 months) One diet I already have documented from 2 years ago. The other well, WW and my Doc will "medically supervise" me. I chose the DS for a couple different reasons. 1. That is the surgery my PCP recommended for me. He and I have a really good relationship. I picked a younger doctor so I could outlive my doctor not visa versa. LOL !! 2. He and I both know my behavior patterns and lifestyle, I travel a lot in my job, given the fact that current studies show the DS as having the greatest result of % of excess body fat lost and the one with the best percentage of keeping it off over a 10 year study. It is the most dangerous of the surgeries, but like I told my SO, I am willing to take that chance. I have been fat since early grade school and am getting to the point that my weight might cost me my job due to increasing limited mobility. Only within the last year has the DS been delineated as no longer a "Experimental surgery procedure". Well wish me luck, thanks for responding to my post. Hope this finds you and yours well.