Just introducing myself
Hi everyone!
Great to see this forum. I'd like to introduce myself and hopefully find some online friends through this process. I started about 18 months ago and finally got approval this past week after two denials. Seems I'm one of those relatively healthy fat people and my insurance company (ODS) didn't think I had enough comorbidities. So, I hired attorney Walter Lindstrom, and with my surgeon, Emma Patterson, we were able to convince them to overturn their denials at a hearing this past week. I'm now scheduled for April 19th for a Lap RNY. I could have scheduled it sooner but I feel I need time to get back in the mindset of this whole thing. Since the appeal process has been going on for so long, I sort of let my focus on WLS slip a bit. Now I'm refocusing, starting my diet tomorrow (really). I'm waiting becaue we're having a Superbowl party today! GO PATRIOTS!
Anyway, life is good right now. I'm excited and committed to the process. I feel very positive about it and believe I'll do well. My work people are very supportive (Nike) and my partner is fabulous. We've been together 11.5 years and are still madly in love. She of course has the normal fears, that I might die, or I'll find some hot skinny thing once I lose weight. We talk about her fears but there's nothing I can do to really change them. She needs to find her own help around those issues and keep talking about them with me.
So, here's my stats, 42 years old, BMI 54.8, 5'7, 350#. Live in Portland, Oregon, born in Mass., raised in N.H. hence my love for the New England Patriots, Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins,..well, you get the point! Hope to hear from any of you who would like to keep up the correspondence.
Take good care everyone!
Welcome aboard!
Congratulations on succeding at your appeal process, your surgical date can only be just around the corner now.
I'm 26 and in a new relationship with a wonderful woman who has been a friend for 2 years. I am so thankful to have her at my side through this process.
Best of luck to you and all of us!
Hi Chari,
Welcome to the board. I haven't posted on this board before. I've just been reading posts, so I thought this is good as any time to start posting.
Congrats on getting your denials overturned! You've gone through a lot to get to this point. Congrats!
I understand about the concerns that your partner has. My partner has the same concerns and thinks I may find someone else after my surgery. And you're right, talking about it is the best thing.
Good luck on your surgery!
Take care.

Hey Chari,
Yes, April seems like it's coming up quickly now. lol I didn't feel that way in December. I'm getting a little frustrated right now though because I think my PCP is going to cause my surgery date to be moved back. He was the one that suggested this surgery to me in the first place. And he told me that he would do anything he could to help me get approved by my insurance company. Well, for over a month now, I've been asking him for a letter for my insurance company explaining why I need the surgery. He told me, "Sure, I'll write it for you". Well, to date he still has not written it and that's the last thing that my surgeon's office needs before sending in everything to the insurance company for pre-certification.
When I called my PCP about the letter he told me that he had written it already. I called my surgeon's office and they said that they didn't have it. So I waited a couple of weeks and called my PCP again. Today he tells me that my insurance company isn't acknowledging him as my PCP and that they haven't paid him. I knew when those words l came out of his mouth that it was a BOLD FACE LIE! I was so pissed a couldn't tell you. I hate it when people lie to me. I knew he was lying because I can go online to my insurance company's website and look up all of my claims and see what was paid and what wasn't. He had been paid every time that his office submitted a bill. It took everything inside of me not to yell at him that he was playing with my life! So I called him back and told him that he actually has been paid and he said ok and he;ll check w/ his secretary. I have an appointment w/ him next week. Hopefully, the letter will be done then. If it's not, I don't know what I'm going to do. I am so upset right now. I don't understand why he lied to me and why he's stalling. I am definately changing doctors after he writes that letter (If he writes it).
I went to see the nutritionist today also. She gave me a lot of info on the supplements and protein. It's a lot to learn before the surgery but I'm ready and willing!

How strange the way your PCP is treating you. In my case I didn't wait for her to write the letter. I wrote it myself and she signed it. I just stated the facts. Don't wait for him to make your destiny. Take it into your own hands and make him give you what you need. I also would recommend working with his nurse or office admin. if he's giving you the run around. Sometimes doctors are less then helpful until you put something under their noses. Hang in there and let us know what happened when you see/saw the pcp again.
Welcome! It is so cool that you have a date and are on your way. I had my surgery in November and am just now through the rougher 3-month post-op period. It certainly is an interesting journey! My sweetie had the same concerns yours does but she felt much better after attending a support meeting with me and after meeting my surgeon. Now that surgery is behind me, she's having a blas****ching my progress. I must say I am having a bit of fun myself. Oh, and did you know about the estrogen that is freed-up by weight loss? Oh my, what a great side-benefit!
Best of luck!