Where is everyone!
It seems as though this board isn't used very much. I would rather use this board than the "california" board, but it doesn't seem like anyone visits this one very much. Is there ANYONE reading this board???? Wait., I think I heard an echo.....I MUST be the only one here!
Well, my surgery is Dec. 03rd. I have class (for work) the night before. I think I am prepared, but am starting to get scared. I hope that the hospital won't give me trouble about being a lesbian. I can only imagine how they probably roll their eyes once they leave the room. I am planning for the worst and hoping for the best. Yikes! Less than 3 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Ms. B!
I check out this board from time to time, but there's hardly anything posted. To use your verbage....It's true, I'm not a lesbian. BUT, (yes, I know you're not supposed to start a sentence with the word but. What can I say, I'm a rebel) I grew up fighting for bathroom space with drag queens so I'm an honorary if you will. =) So what do ya say? Let's get this party STARTED! Any ideas for a juicy topic? Maybe we should make sure there's a few more people checking this board first. That's me, putting the cart before the cow .......or something like that. hehe
ANYONE HERE?....Anyone Here?....anyone here?
Alright...if you didn't get that. That was an eccho...cuz nobody is here. Get it? Well, I thought it was funny. Do you hear crickets?
I'm here. Had mine on 10/14- weight hasn't budged for almost 4 weeks. Stuck at 35 pounds with 165 to go! It has to come off-- there's nowhere else for it to go!!! I had no problem at the hospital with my partner being there. Being a hospital person herself, she helped when needed and the nurses appreciated her. Good luck tomorrow!!!

Yay! I found y'all! I was wondering where all the gay people were on this board.
I had my surgery 11/10 and I too was a bit concerned too about my hospital experience, but it went beautifully. My sweetie was treated just as a legal spouse would be.
So, how did your surgery go? How do you feel now? How much have you lost?
Hi Jessie!
Surgery went smoothly...hospital stay was a nightmare! No, they didn't have a problem with me and my gf...although they did giggle a bit, lol...they just seemed to neglect me. First it was those damn leg boot things, they would take them off so I could use the bathroom, then they would either forget to put them back on or forget to plug them in. My air A/C wasn't working in my room so they had to bring me a fan. My IV kept running dry, then on the 3rd day (3am) it somehow filled my entire hand and arm with fluid, took 4 different nurses to figure out what to do! Then they attacked my onther hand trying to get an IV going, but failed and left my entire left hand bruised up to the wrist!!!
On the morning of the 4th day I was begging to be released!!!!!!!!!!! My girlfriend was very calm and supportive, getting me the help I needed while I was imprisoned there. I was soooooooo glad when it was all over, little did I know that the car ride home (20 minutes) would make me wish I was back in the hospital bed, lol.
Looking back, the hospital staff was very kind to me and my girlfriend, I just felt like they put me at the end of the hall to make sure I didn't try converting others to "our team". I am now 6 weeks out and am starting to feel better, building up energy.