Heloo all. I am sorry i haven't visited this forum sooner, just been busy. Actually I never even knew it was here untill Jane told me.
So, how's everyone doing? I didn't realize there were so many of us. That's a cool think too. One reason I ducked in here was to get away from the constant religious onslaught. Don't get me wrong, to each there own, but they shoud have some warning for the 5 of us on this site who don't thank Jesus for eating those evil carbs. It reminds me of when I had AOL and the gay boards were constantly attacked by zealots trying to save our souls, LOL!
Anywho... I had my surgery March 26, 2003, the RNY Gastric Bypass. I have lost 79lbs, and numerous inches. I belong to a gym and am really digging it. I'm just doin' my thang, hoping for the best.
If you wanna chat let me know, until then take care.
P.S. Jane, if you're reading this... I'm sorry for not writing back. I haven't forgotten you.