Post Surgery
Hello LGBTQ community,
As a large gay man, it was hard enough trying to find someone. When I did, they did like me for me and who I was even though I was on a bad track and my luck was starting to catch up with me. I will admit it; I liked being liked by guys smaller than me.
Now, I have lost over a 160 pounds and falling like a rock. I went on a date, and that ended up not going as planned so to speak and it was awful. In a way, it was almost easier in the cocoon. However, that external image is now gone...and what I have is a deflated misshaped body. I don't feel attractive, and I want to date, but I also want someone normal. The weirdos have come out of the woodwork so to speak. I am not a bearded lady or some sideshow freak.
How did you combat this? How do you get over it? My feelings right now is vanity run amok.