Sex question: I'm afraid to ask this on the other forums.. Don't judge me lol
Hi Marcus,
Despite not having first hand experience with said sexual position... I do know that you have a LOT of intestines and any air that enters the bottom would not make its way to the VSG site... air goes down but not up... there are muscles throuth out your digestive tract that push downward from your mouth to anus to ensure that what you eat travels in the right direction. When you burp you are expelling air from your upper GI...
to answer your question... no you should not have any problems with maintaining whatever sexual positions you desire. They will just be more comfortable and you more flexable! ;)
I hope this helps...
on 3/15/13 9:30 pm
ARE YOU SERIOUS???? - Straight people have ANAL SEX???? Noooooooo....surely they dont!! I JUST DONT BELEIVE IT........
Bahahaha.... just kidding!!
I think everyione is right....your small intestine is VERY long and the area that is cute is miles away from the butt end. UNless ones partner is EXCEPTIONALLY well endowed to the extent of 7meters (small intestine) and 1.5 metres (large intestine) - yes do the maths (a penis length of close to 8.5 meters) I dont think its really going to impact.
Peristalsis is the motion of waves through the bowel that go from tummy to butt which pushes the food and any air to the botty.
I think the main thing is that if it hurts or is uncomfy then dont do it!