Winter Update- PICTURE FILLED POST! (and first "hater")
Hey Everyone!
I hope the holidays were great for everyone! I did very well with my eating I would say...minus a little scale scare after a week of cookie making and tasting lol. But I nipped that right in the bud! I am still fluctuating between 143-149 lbs lol. I guess this is just where I will be until I have my plastic surgeries.
The cold is KILLING ME! I need to have my levels checked because there is no way it is normal to be THIS cold all the time lol!
Also...I finally had my first "hater" on facebook. She went off about how surgery is for lazy people and its the easy way out. She said she was going to lose it "the right way" and that she will be proud knowing she actually did it herself lol. I just assume if she was gonna do it herself she would have and she wouldnt be HUGE, writing facebook posts about all the unhealthy food she eats daily lol. I have never been anything but respectful to this girl and she preceded to tell me how I have changed and I am now a snob. She also said something along the lines of never stepping into a gym until I had surgery. All of this is false of course. I have done nothing but diet and exercise my WHOLE LIFE lol. Then she left the conversation saying that being thin did not suit me well since I have "a Bulldog head on a Chihuahua body" lol.
Wow...such harsh hurtful words for no apparent reason. Obviously jealousy has eaten her alive lol. Anyone who knows me, knows how hard I have worked and how far from a snob I really am! I spend my life trying to help other with their weight. I am the same Amber at 145 lbs as I was at 300 lbs. Just less tired haha.What do they say about jealousy??? "Haters don't really hate you. In fact, they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be." I tried not to let it get to me though because I know the real me and the journey I have been through. She is obviously just miserable with herself. hater in 19 months....I guess thats not too bad! LOL!
I have been sooo busy with my photography business so I never have time to post pictures! So here are a few! Enjoy and Happy New Year!!
I have lost and maintained my 168lb weight loss and my partner Lesa has been maintaining her 130 lb weight loss for the past years!!! RNY Couple!!!
New Years Eve Before and After. 2010 New Years Eve and 2012 New Years Eve. Wow what a difference! It's sad how fat hides so many features. You can still see me in the before picture though I was in there!!! Highest Weight: 311 Now: 143!! That's a total loss of 168 lbs!
This is what true love looks like. She loved me when I was big and she loves me now that I'm small. I am truly blessed.
Lesa and I enjoying life! I went ice skating for the first time in YEARS! It felt awesome!
With my best friend Vana. I've never been the little one in this dynamic! NEVER! She has been so supportive through all of this. I have been so lucky!
[Starting Weight: 311] [Surgery Weight: 287] [Current Weight: 141 [Goal Weight: 150] 9 lbs BELOW goal! Yay!
Follow my photos on Instagram @peace_trainMy Personal Facebook Weight Loss Group: "Amber's WLS GROUP"
Screw her - does she not realize how hard it is to make the decision to A) Undergo surgery, B) permanently alter your anatomy? Show her the pictures of your old stomach laying on a table and have her tell you that it's the "easy" way out. She is probably the same girl I saw at the movies last night eating a large nachos, hotdog, popcorn, king-sized Reese's and washing it all down with the largest Pepsi I have ever seen. Let her keep wearing her over-sized hoodies and *****ing on the sidelines while you are LIVING your life. You looked great before and after surgery and that's because you are just as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside - something she can only aspire too (good luck to her)!
I have you beat by a lb with my highest weight of 312

Glad to see you laugh off that FB poster who has such a sad hateful heart. I'm pretty sure surgery isn't easy and you do indeed look fantastic.