Homophobic experience at work
I am a strong believer that hate can live anywhere and our best defense is to live out and proud! We, as a community, need to support eachother regardless of how we identify (gay, bi, trans, ect). When I grow up (I am a 32 year old college student) I will be working for an lgbtq organization to help people be stong and confidant. Thank you for speaking up and he will be a better person because of it!
I know that there are still alot of people like that out there but I guess that I was just thrown off with him doing it at work. That was ridiculous. When I was in college I was a co president of our LGBT. I loved it. It was definitely an experience. I know that no one at the hospital will give my wife a hard time about coming into see me or giving her info because I work at the same hospital that I am going to have the surgery in. I also have domestic partner health benefits for my wife through that hospital. We also have a gay group on campus. It's a very gay friendly hospital and its HUGE!!! We are ranked number 4 in the country. I have never had an issue with myself and my wife. Thank God that's one thing that I don't need to worry about. I wish you luck and hope that your wife has no problems at all. Don't be afraid to stick up for your relationship if they try and give you a hard time.
I'm surprised somewhat that this was coming from a nurse. I wonder where he trained! I have had tremendous support from nurses every time I have encountered them either personally or professionally. I live in a small city in IL and it's not very progressive but I've never had a single problem and I've been out 28 years. My wife is a teacher and her colleagues all knew. We're both retired now but we are out and no one seems to care. If they do, they aren't worth knowing. I've even had people tell me that knowing us has been a privilege and opened their eyes to be accepting1
So good for you ! Hooray!
I first just want to say, "Way to go Chickadee!" If he feels he has the right to express what he thinks then you by sure have the right to express what you think and defend yourself! I'm not Gay so I can't completely know what you have to deal with, but I have many many very close gay friends, and I would never in a million years, even joke about anything mean when it comes to being gay. I've always found that disrespectful and try to always see it as if I was in someone else's shoes. Just stand strong and be the beautiful self you are, and just toss out those who can't be open and accepting and realize we are all different and made the way we are for a reason. You got this!
Thanks everyone. :) The way that I see it is that there are ignorant people everywhere including nurses. The one thing with nurses is that they always have their own personal feelings and thoughts on things that most don't express towards their patients. I don't know why but he must have seen me as some type of person that would be okay with him saying that. Hopefully it opened his eyes a little but unfortunately ignorance is hard to break. thats my opinion.