Preparing for surgery
Here's a tip that helped me get ready for several surgeries over the years. There is a CD called "Surgery" by Belleruthe Naparstek which was studied at one of the universities in California. Patients who used her CD as a prep lost 30% less blood. So I ordered the CD (well it was a tape then). Anyway you can get it from and you listen to it a couple of times a day before your surgery. There is also a music only CD with it that some surgeons will let you listen to during the surgery. (Mine did--I put it on an ipod and they taped the ipod to my gown and the ear buds to my ears. There is also a healing part of the tape and my partner said when she played it for me I would settle down and go to sleep.
I have no financial or other interest in this CD, just an excellent experience that I wanted to share.
Thank you so much for this recommendation! I checked to see if it was on amazon and it was! (my fav online store). I ordered it and also a cd on pain relief too - and a book all by the same author. I looked at the website you listed - nice site. I will have to ck that out.
It is so good to hear about things that work for others - when sometimes our thoughts get in the way....nice to slow down and let our bodies heal.
So thank you for letting us know about your experience!