OT: Homophobe families
Then there's my fiance's family... we'll really just her mom. Jill came out to her family 15 years ago when she was 21 yrs old. Her sister doesn't care and is loving and supportive and super excited about our wedding in 47 days (she's Jill's bridesmaid.) Her mother on the other hand... well... let's just say I want to punch her in the head right now! She "found Jesus" about 8 years ago... *yeah... uh oh!*
Jill's mother has been acting excited about the wedding. Asked us about hotels nearby, details about the wedding, etc. When Jill told her about the wedding a couple months ago, she said that we have to come up to visit her before the wedding so that she can meet me. All supportive and loving and such. Well... that all changed last night. She called my fiance to drop the bomb on her that she's not coming to the wedding because she doesn't believe in gay marriage and can't condone it!
But wait... it gets better! Then today her mother posts the following in Jill's FB wall:
on 3/7/11 9:29 am
As much as your partner wants her mom there, knowing that she truely does not believe in the ceremony would really ruin it. I am just a 58 year old woman that has learned that I need to only believe in my thoughts and beliefs, and not try to have anyone fake theirs.
Her mom will sometime see the light and beauty of your love in her own time, not unreal time!
This is your partner and your time, just require positive vibes for the rest of your lifes with compassion and forgiveness for the ignorant, and the beauty of your life 's will just shine!!!
xoxox I hope I didn't ramble too long!
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!
on 3/7/11 9:50 am
I know pray for the mean judgemental people and since then I feel more alive and free.................Besides having one of the best partners in the world!!
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!
on 3/8/11 10:03 am
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!
We can hurt each other so badly can't we. So sad to me that people do these things and make overtures about God. I prefer to think that narcissism and pettiness are human and not representative of the God we are looking for in ourselves. I am sorry Maryn. Please offer my condolences to your fiance. I hope you can lean on all of the best wishes, love and support you have in each other and all of your friends and chosen family.
As a born again Christian who God made GAY as the day is long, I can assure them....just like Gaga says...."Baby I was born this way" and that anyone who claims something to the contrary isn't following the beliefs of Christianity -which holds that God doesn't make mistakes.
I am alternately so furious at Jills mom, and so sad for Jill. However, this is just the first of many incredibly happy moments that you two will share in your lifetime of wedded bliss and the person who's really losing out is her mom. She will come to regret her decision and there won't be a damn thing she can do about her poor choices.
I hope that someday, people will stop spreading lies about others and instead work on becoming better and more loving people, as opposed to hateful and judgmental ones. I pity that she can't think for herself, that she's letting others tell her how to live her life, cuz she's missing something truly beautiful.
However, I am super glad that I'll get to be there tho!!! (((HUGS)))

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170
However for your sake and the sake of all your guests, perhaps it's the best that she not attend. You do not need the added stress of her negativity and the possibility of her speaking out public "at that time" in the ceremony, if it is a standard wedding ceremony. I've been to several weddings and unions and at a couple, some (I'm sure) "well meaning" family or friends spoke out when the officiant asked if there was "anyone who could name a reason why this couple should not wed."
The entire "abomination against G*d", "immoral" and "innately evil" thing kind of spoiled an otherwise nice day and hurt the couple deeply.
Unfortunately the same religion that preaches "love one another" has a few other rules that are a little less understandable (try reading the book of Leviticus and the 600+ laws in that - A. J. Abrams' book "The Year of Living Biblically" looks at the biblical laws and the author's attempt to follow all the biblical rules).
Just try to enjoy the day and know that your fiance is marrying into a loving and supportive family.
Wow, I read your post and really the only word I could come up with is WOW. What mother treats their child that way?!?! One of the most important days in anyone's life is if they are lucky enough to stand before their friends and families and unite their lives and love with their partner. Jill's mom is going to miss all of that, and miss out on a once in a lifetime event.
Regardless of Jill's mom I am sure your wedding day will be absolutely gorgeous and wonderful, and the marriage will last a lifetime and her mom will miss out on all the amazing things that will happen on your journey together. Her loss BIG TIME!!!