basketball said "female"
so as I am in the gym playing basketball this man goes after my rebound and as he throws the ball back to me he reads it and say "hey you know this is a girl's ball right? uuuummmm sir I can read lmao and Im sure the people up front can too. So I said yes i am fully aware of that thank you. He just looked at me and tried to apologize. I told him it wasnt need it and asked if he wanted to play and we could use a men's ball lmao he declined and went to the other side of end of the court.
******random story******
It's amazing sometimes what people say. When I first get my hair cut it is short and spikey, and if I am in weekend clothes or dress down clothes just hanging out sometimes I will have on windpants and a sports jersey. Well just so happens I was in windpants and a buffalo bills jersey (yes that is painful to admit that I am a bills fan) and I had stopped at the grocery store for a few things before heading to my shift at the ambulance corps. Well I am in line and I dropped a pack of gum, this lady picks it up and is trying to get my attention. She keeps saying sir you dropped this, well I was ignoring her because I didn't realize I had dropped anything and didn't think she was talking to me. Finally she grabbed my arm and said sir you dropped this. I turned around and said thank you I didn't realize I had dropped my gum, and I am a woman. She couldn't apologize quickly enough. I told her no worries and continued on with my day, but it is amazing what people assume.

And now I am laughing b/c even here on OH I'm assumed a man(at least its not a gay site), I had put a post on the rny forum today and they just keep saying guys lose faster than women so thats why i lost so much lol, one man said what took me so long 'us guys are fast losers' and went on to sy he lost 100 in his 1st 3.5 months......
I used to get mistaken for a guy occasionally before surgery, now that I'm post-op- I've lost most of my booage and I get called "Sir" all the flippin' time!
It doesn't bother me, I just laugh when they fall over themselves apologizing after they hear my girlie voice (which I apparently have!)
It doesn't bother me, I just laugh when they fall over themselves apologizing after they hear my girlie voice (which I apparently have!)
:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170