Holigays, Blizzard...and NSV's!
WOW...let's see...so much...Christmas, a Blizzard, Snow Blowing and first post-op Nutritionist & Surgeon appointments!
Christmas was GREAT...while everyone was feasting on Steamed Lobster & Fillet Mignon, I enjoyed a wonderful bowl of pureed Black Bean & Jalapeno Soup...it was delicious! Didn't phase me in the least...I actually cut up the tenderloin into steaks & cooked the lobsters...Mom could "see" the difference in my face & feel the body w/a hug...she's got wet macular degeneration and can only see distorted images and shapes peripherally...the central vision is a 'black hole'...
Yesterday the blizzard started & went all night...this morning as I was getting dressed to tackle the drifts and snow w/the snow blower...I put on a pair of 50" jeans thinking 'no way'...and they fit...then the jacket...what I've used for the past few years is a 4XL fleece/imitation sheepskin lined flannel zip-up shirt...but I walked by the pile of leather jackets I grew out of over the years...the XL...XXL...and XXXL...and there was one winter coat...that I probably only wore one season 10-12 years ago (I am a pack rat)...I thought "Why not, I know it's not going to fit yet...but it's worth a try....a little tight at the bottom getting the zipper engaged...and I'll be damned if the coat zipped up...all the way to the top! I was doing the happy dance!
I pooped out after about 90 minutes...and thankfully I ran out of gas too...when I came in to get ready for my first post-op nutritionist & surgeon appointments...I showered...got on the scale...285....now I'm doing cartwheels and the happy dance!
I'm SOOOOO Pumped...the doctor said treadmill 2 weeks after surgery & anything in the gym 4 weeks out....I didn't tell him I've been on the treadmill since the day after i got home from the hospital!
It's an amazing journey and my feelings of gratitude, enthusiasm and excitement are all at "10"
2011: I turn 50 & I have a new lease on life...priceless!
Christmas was GREAT...while everyone was feasting on Steamed Lobster & Fillet Mignon, I enjoyed a wonderful bowl of pureed Black Bean & Jalapeno Soup...it was delicious! Didn't phase me in the least...I actually cut up the tenderloin into steaks & cooked the lobsters...Mom could "see" the difference in my face & feel the body w/a hug...she's got wet macular degeneration and can only see distorted images and shapes peripherally...the central vision is a 'black hole'...
Yesterday the blizzard started & went all night...this morning as I was getting dressed to tackle the drifts and snow w/the snow blower...I put on a pair of 50" jeans thinking 'no way'...and they fit...then the jacket...what I've used for the past few years is a 4XL fleece/imitation sheepskin lined flannel zip-up shirt...but I walked by the pile of leather jackets I grew out of over the years...the XL...XXL...and XXXL...and there was one winter coat...that I probably only wore one season 10-12 years ago (I am a pack rat)...I thought "Why not, I know it's not going to fit yet...but it's worth a try....a little tight at the bottom getting the zipper engaged...and I'll be damned if the coat zipped up...all the way to the top! I was doing the happy dance!
I pooped out after about 90 minutes...and thankfully I ran out of gas too...when I came in to get ready for my first post-op nutritionist & surgeon appointments...I showered...got on the scale...285....now I'm doing cartwheels and the happy dance!
I'm SOOOOO Pumped...the doctor said treadmill 2 weeks after surgery & anything in the gym 4 weeks out....I didn't tell him I've been on the treadmill since the day after i got home from the hospital!
It's an amazing journey and my feelings of gratitude, enthusiasm and excitement are all at "10"
2011: I turn 50 & I have a new lease on life...priceless!
You are frickin' rockin it my friend! Just be careful that you don't overdo it. Srsly. but it's so awesome watching those lbs drop! You'll be going through sizes pretty quickly. Don't buy clothes much. Find clothing exchanges and good wil stores. I went through 4 full wardrobes in a year... mostly all from clothing exchanges.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
What a great post! You did indeed have a super Christmas. Life only gets better. I cycled this past summer in your area. The East Bay Bike Trail is super. Such a beautiful area to live.
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com
James --CONGRATS!!! Continue with the happy dance!!! I agree with Maryn, don't buy too many new clothes as you will outgrow them quickly!! Goodwill has become a main shopping stop for me lol. You are KICKING some serious butt!!! CONGRATS!!!


LUCKILY...I am a pack rat and have tons of clothes I'm getting back into...LOL...the only things I'll need to buy are dress shirts & underwear...and I just bought a dozen shirts online at JC Penny for $14.99/ea, reg 36...I'm such a bahhhgin huntah! (I am from MA but thank god I don't really have the extreme accent!) LOL
I got 17.5" neck...I was up to 20-22, my 19"'s are a little loose...and when I was 185-210 I was at 17.5-18...so I figure I'm safe w/this...ALL my shirts currently are like TENTS on me...if I find they're too big...I'll not open them all..and exchange!
I've actually got a ton of underwear I bought at the Jockey Outlet that was too small so I've got those in reserves too...to cheap not to pick up...and I knew someday...
I can hardly wait to go to the Jockey Store though...I have a routine when I go in there....Every time I walk into the Jockey Outlet, I grab the new employee I haven't seen before...(the managers all know me...) I ask.."Excuse me...could you tell me where the man-ssieres are?" at which point they look at me kinda funny and say "What?" "The man-ssieres..." as I lift my man-boobs I continue..."I need something, these puppies are so out of control!" As the sales person sits there with their jaw hanging open...the managers are rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter up at the register...then they come to the sales-person's rescue and scold me......
I got 17.5" neck...I was up to 20-22, my 19"'s are a little loose...and when I was 185-210 I was at 17.5-18...so I figure I'm safe w/this...ALL my shirts currently are like TENTS on me...if I find they're too big...I'll not open them all..and exchange!
I've actually got a ton of underwear I bought at the Jockey Outlet that was too small so I've got those in reserves too...to cheap not to pick up...and I knew someday...
I can hardly wait to go to the Jockey Store though...I have a routine when I go in there....Every time I walk into the Jockey Outlet, I grab the new employee I haven't seen before...(the managers all know me...) I ask.."Excuse me...could you tell me where the man-ssieres are?" at which point they look at me kinda funny and say "What?" "The man-ssieres..." as I lift my man-boobs I continue..."I need something, these puppies are so out of control!" As the sales person sits there with their jaw hanging open...the managers are rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter up at the register...then they come to the sales-person's rescue and scold me......
Mazel tov on the great progress and NSV's. I think they're better than numbers changing on a scale any day.
I'm like you in that I almost never get rid of any clothes. I lost almost 100 pounds about 6 years ago and still had all of those clothes to get back into. I'm wearing them now and loving every moment of it. My goals are to get below 200 pounds and below a 40" waist. I recently bought a pair of 38" jeans as a target since I'm currently at 40". If I keep going as I have been, I should be in them before January is over. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! The skinniest I've ever been as an adult was 34" but, at my age, I doubt I'll be able to reach that.
As I was on my way back to almost 300 pounds after losing that 100, I bought a wool Navy pea coat in an XL. It fit, but snugly, at the time I bought it (4 years ago?) but I quickly outgrew it and had only worn it once. This winter it's LOOSE on me!!! YEE-HAH! I'm enjoying the hell out of wearing it every chance I get. I'll have to wear it the next time I'm cruising the docks.
Every Presidents' Day weekend I attend a GLBT AA convention in Rehoboth Beach, DE. It's going to be a treat this year to hit the clothing outlets. There's no sales tax in Delaware which makes it even more tempting to go overboard. I'll have to remember to check out the man-ssieres at the Jockey Outlet. If I ever do contemplate plastic surgery following my weight loss, it will be to get rid of my man-boobs. I've hated them ever since I was a teen ( a r-e-e-e-a-l-l-y long time ago).
Mazel tov on the great progress and NSV's. I think they're better than numbers changing on a scale any day.
I'm like you in that I almost never get rid of any clothes. I lost almost 100 pounds about 6 years ago and still had all of those clothes to get back into. I'm wearing them now and loving every moment of it. My goals are to get below 200 pounds and below a 40" waist. I recently bought a pair of 38" jeans as a target since I'm currently at 40". If I keep going as I have been, I should be in them before January is over. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! The skinniest I've ever been as an adult was 34" but, at my age, I doubt I'll be able to reach that.
As I was on my way back to almost 300 pounds after losing that 100, I bought a wool Navy pea coat in an XL. It fit, but snugly, at the time I bought it (4 years ago?) but I quickly outgrew it and had only worn it once. This winter it's LOOSE on me!!! YEE-HAH! I'm enjoying the hell out of wearing it every chance I get. I'll have to wear it the next time I'm cruising the docks.

Every Presidents' Day weekend I attend a GLBT AA convention in Rehoboth Beach, DE. It's going to be a treat this year to hit the clothing outlets. There's no sales tax in Delaware which makes it even more tempting to go overboard. I'll have to remember to check out the man-ssieres at the Jockey Outlet. If I ever do contemplate plastic surgery following my weight loss, it will be to get rid of my man-boobs. I've hated them ever since I was a teen ( a r-e-e-e-a-l-l-y long time ago).
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)

(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)