What Am I In For???

on 9/16/10 12:57 pm
Just received insurance approval for RNY surgery in early October. I'm very excited but also scared to death. This is a life-long commitment and I have problems with commitments (on several levels).

I guess I'm really looking for a place where I can interact with others going on this journey. I also very happy to find a GLBT group. Glad to know I'm not the only gay guy taking this step.

A little about myself. I'm old, fat, and balding. Haven't been in a relationship for several years and not sure RNY is going address that issue at all. I guess I've grown accustomed to be alone. I just want there to be a little less of me around the house.

I'd welcome any info on do's and shouldn't do's before and after surgery. Suggestions or positive stores appreciated. (Seems like there is no end to the horror stories about a friend of a friend of a friend...)

Looking forward to the interaction.

on 9/17/10 4:04 am

Welcome to the Board of helpful humans!!  You are on to a new adventure in life and I hope you enjoy every minute of it!!!

Band removed and feeling alive with energy!

Leza F.
on 9/17/10 6:18 am - Wheat Ridge, CO

I'm kinda new to the board myself, but I've been on OH since 2002.  I have a consult with the surgeon for RNY on the 6th, just after my partner, kids and I return from a trip to CA to see my Mom and family.  I am terrified too, for the same reasons.  Part of it is the nurse in me knowing all about statistics, blah blah blah and the other part is friends freaking out, too.  I have two young children to worry about and had to think of it this way....the surgery has a MINISCULE death risk associated to it.  Being this obese and with all the health issues I face has a nearly 100% early death rate for me.  The benefits outweigh the risks, hands down.  I want to get my RN, have a child with my current partner, see my family grow up....know my grandkids.  I won't be able to do those things in the shape I"m in now.  I know everyone's motivation for this surgery is different, just keep yours in mind when people are trying to freak you out with the "friend of a friend of a friend" bit.  
http://barigurl1976.blogspot.com/  Going Bariatric on a Budget!!


on 9/17/10 7:47 am - Houston, TX
Welcome to the Board.  My best advice for a "do" is to read closely everything on the main board for the surgery you will have. For me that's the Roux-en-Y board. Pay close attention to what everyone is asking and where their issues are, because you will have the same concerns. Be aware that some of us have complications, such as strictures, gall bladder issues, etc so that you are not freaked out if it happens to you.

Be aware that if you get a bypass, you will have altered eating habits and vitamin supplements for life - not necssarily a bad thing, but don't be surprised by it. You may find that some food no longer agrees with you (and it appears that may never change from what I read). And, in at least my case, food just no longer tastes real good to me. I am having a bit of an issue coping with the knowledge that I may never really enjoy a thick, juicy steak again.

And, finally, make sure that you have a doctor you are comfortable with.

Here's to making an informed decision ... and good luck. 
RNY 5/17/10 highest: 407 lb - maintaining a loss of 200+ pounds and enjoying life

on 9/18/10 1:07 am
Thanks so much for your responses.

Just received the info packet on the surgery and I'm going over it thoroughly. I have no concerns over the Dr., risks, surgery, etc. But, I'm still struggling with the idea of frequent small meals, sipping liquids, and vitamins. That's a major lifestyle change for me.

On the other hand, I have several years of failed attempts to take off the weight. And, with other issues starting to crop up, I know this is my best option.

Starting the pre-op diet and hopefully that will take away the concerns and I'll realize it's not going to be that tough.
Jeffrey W.
on 9/18/10 1:49 am, edited 9/18/10 1:50 am - Minneapolis, MN
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on the approval! I'm getting lap RNY 9/27. I totally know what you mean by excited but scared.

The life-long part is both the scary and the exciting part, for me. Losing weight is easy - it's keeping it off that's hard. I'm getting the surgery so that in 5 years, the weight will still be gone. 

You're definitely not the only gay guy, although from what I've seen, women predominate. I'm definitely a guy, and I'm queer as $3 bill.

Old is always relative, I'm 32, and while I'm not balding, my hairline isn't where it was 15 years ago. I also haven't been in a relationship in 14 years, and I've been celibate for 12. As a relatively introverted person, I too am okay with solitude, but humans are fundamentally social creatures, and our culture in general and gay culture in particular is intolerant of obesity, so I'm looking forward to being able to shed the stigma of my extra pounds. If I get all the way down to my optimal weight, I'll literally be half the man I used to be.

The biggest thing that I recommend before surgery is to make sure you have the right mindset: you're not doing this to become thin and gorgeous, you're doing it to become healthy, with thin and gorgeous being a side benefit; you're not doing it to be good enough for anybody else, you're doing it for you. Make sure you're getting some exercise - I like to walk. Start small if you're not - 15 minutes at a time, and add 5 minutes a week. Never work on more than one goal at a time, and track your progress. Small, sustainable, lifelong change is vastly preferable to manic, all-front campaigns that collapse under their unsustainable intensity and leave you feeling worthless and dis-empowered.

Best of luck, and [!*HugZ*!]

Leza F.
on 9/18/10 6:53 am - Wheat Ridge, CO

Congrats on your surgery date...that's my birthday :) 
http://barigurl1976.blogspot.com/  Going Bariatric on a Budget!!


on 9/19/10 11:51 am

Thanks for the wonderful post. I appreciate your insight.

I especially liked your comments on the right mindset. I've long given up on pursuing a relationship in the near-term. But, I've just starting realizing that I'm on a very dangerous jouney if I don't get some weight off. Some of my weight-related issues are just starting to sink in and I'm definately doing this one to improve the quality of my life.

The idea of walking is exactly how I plan to implement my exercise program. If fact, it was the treadmill I bought a few months ago that started helping me realize how much I need to get the weight off. Then, this summer, the yard work has become almost overwhelming with my weight. So, I'm really doing this for me (at last). 

I'm really hoping for that small, sustainable change.
High Weight = 310     Surgery Weight = 300   Dr's Goal = 200   My Goal = 190    
Jeffrey W.
on 9/19/10 4:42 pm - Minneapolis, MN
 It's my pleasure =)

There is no question that you will feel better with the weight going off. I went on a suicide prevention walk today, and some friends snapped pictures, and I look better already - happier, not so beastly. Comparing to the pics from 45 pounds ago, it's a big difference.

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

If you'd like to be walking buddies, we could establish goals and check-in with each other, having someone to cheer you on and keep your feet to the fire can really help.

Sustainable is the magic word. Also, take care along the way that you're losing as little lean body mass as possible. Plenty of protein, and plenty of weights. 

You can do it!

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