Weight Comparison
My partner and I are a year and some change apart with our surgeries ...I started off 30 pounds heavier than her, and now she is 30 pounds or so less than me. I feel like the "fat one" again. I hate it. And sex life? What sex life? I don't even want to get dressed in front of her. It's a whole big secrecy thing now.
I hate THIS part of the journey...........
That doesn't make you fat! Maybe you have thicker bones..ya know if you carry excess weight around your bones become more dense. I have seen pics of you both and you look to be the same size to this eye...and you're stunning.
Not that any of that matters, it's how you feel. No one can change that, but I hope that you can focus on the positives such as how far you've come and all that you can do now that you're healthy!
Sendin you a big hug!

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170
Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)
It totally ***** with your head! When I was fat I always walked with my head to the ground - always thinking people were looking at me in a negative way. Now, as a "skinny" person ...I've noticed the only people who think I'm pretty are either gay or married.
Where is the happy place?
Hi...have you talked to your partner about this? I am sure you are stunning, and the WLS journey is about you, and getting back to a healthy lifestyle, and it sounds like you have done that.
I used to walk the same way, head down not making eye contact....now I walk with my head up and its a better view. I am sure lots of people find you attractive. Sex life can be scary after surgery. I broke up with my partner shortly after surgery and now I am with someone else, and I was terrified to tell her about the surgery and then to have sex with her. She was very supportive and loves me for me, excess skin and all. I am sure your partner does too, especially since she knows how the surgery is and she has been through it. Be proud of how far you have come!!! Sending you a big hug

But have you really talked about it with your partner? Did the sex problems start when you lost the weight? I mean, everything was just fine before that? And were you comfortable with your body around her? How does she deal with all this?
I was always the fat one in my relationships really, but I guess I got used to that, cause I was truly always bigger than them so there was no comparison issue. It sounds like you got a bit competitive with each other, or I am getting this all wrong?
Keep working with your therapist...And open up to your partner. It's not easy but it's all you've got to do at the moment.
And when you say that the only people that think you're pretty are gay or married...what exactly do you mean? Gay or married men? Do you feel pretty? Does your partner make you feel pretty?
Brett and I are 2 years apart in surgery. He was first. He was really skinny which motivated me to get surgery. Well, I passed him by and am about 10 pounds lighter. It hasn't been an issue for us. My jealousy was when he was so skinny and I was still fat. We had relationship issues around that time; mostly from my insecurity. Today, I guess we are back to normal. Wait... 21 years.. What is normal sex? Less sex? lol. Anyway, I think this time will pass for you guys.
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com