OOOH I'm a girl
Welp I know I'm boyish, a stud etc but its has gotten uuummm I dont want to sy worse but the confusion has increased with the decrease of my breast. I always felt it was clear in my pictures in my face what my sex is but clearly not b/c some of the comments I recieve in my inbox its not too clear to some. oooooh well. A 42lbs weight loss 285-243 and 42lb gain of having to listen to the sir um excuse me mister i mean umm ma'am(lol) Wonder what will happen when I hit hit that goal weight.....
My mother seems to think I will change my style when I get smaller, even as a child I was a tomboy so I doubt it Im too comfortable
My mother seems to think I will change my style when I get smaller, even as a child I was a tomboy so I doubt it Im too comfortable
I have a stud friend that had weight loss surgery and sometimes people would call her sir until they seen her breast. She is very top heavy. Now after loosing 177 lbs, The boobs are gone and she is called sir all the time. It doesn't bother her but it bothers her girlfriend.
I have noticed just in the past week since cutting my hair, i get called sir when i wear a hat.
Your mother sounds a lot like mine sounded when i was early post op. She thought i would loose the tomboy dressing and get a man. This makes me think if our mothers and other people think we dress like a tomboy and are lesbians because we are obese??