UGH! Emo Eating is Killing Me!
I'm usually a very positive one on this board. And I'm human too. I'm struggling right now. I was fired from my job about 4 weeks ago. That's actually a very good thing because I was in corporate hell there for the past 14 months and I honestly would rather be unemployed than to deal with trying to make those ****** up people appreciate my good work. Things have been pretty good since then. I spent some time with family and I've been focusing on exercising between 5-6 times a week. I've been interviewing for a new job too.
Well, on tues of this week I found out that I didn't get a job that I felt very confident that i was going to get. And of course there was no real explanation for why the chose not to move forward with me. It was a really hard blow because I had a lot riding on getting that job. So since then, I've noticed that I'm doing more emotional eating and I've had 2-3 glasses of wine both tues and wed nite at dinner. The wine is something very new for me. I hadn't had a drink for the first 9 months post op - just started the last couple of weeks but only like 1 glass on the wkend w/friends.
Anyway, I'm sitting here in my living room after finishing a movie and my stomach hurts. Yes, I ate too much watching the movie... again! I feel like puking to get rid of this pain and I know it won't come back up. Why the **** am I emo eating? UGGH! I want to stop the emo eating. I think I'm also eating out of boredom. it's all good healthy food cuz that's all I have in my kitchen. But too much healthy food is not healthy for me & my creative digestive system.
It's just a bad couple of days. It will get better for me tomorrow night. My fiance is coming into town tomorrow night. She still lives in Portland. I hate that she's not here with me.
Well, on tues of this week I found out that I didn't get a job that I felt very confident that i was going to get. And of course there was no real explanation for why the chose not to move forward with me. It was a really hard blow because I had a lot riding on getting that job. So since then, I've noticed that I'm doing more emotional eating and I've had 2-3 glasses of wine both tues and wed nite at dinner. The wine is something very new for me. I hadn't had a drink for the first 9 months post op - just started the last couple of weeks but only like 1 glass on the wkend w/friends.
Anyway, I'm sitting here in my living room after finishing a movie and my stomach hurts. Yes, I ate too much watching the movie... again! I feel like puking to get rid of this pain and I know it won't come back up. Why the **** am I emo eating? UGGH! I want to stop the emo eating. I think I'm also eating out of boredom. it's all good healthy food cuz that's all I have in my kitchen. But too much healthy food is not healthy for me & my creative digestive system.
It's just a bad couple of days. It will get better for me tomorrow night. My fiance is coming into town tomorrow night. She still lives in Portland. I hate that she's not here with me.
Being unemployed sucks! The best remedy is to keep yourself busy. Just because you're not working doesn't mean you can't fill your schedule with productive activities. Try making use of your local library, maybe volunteering at a local animal shelter, something of that nature. I notice with myself that the less I'm sitting at home, the more control I have over emo eating. I like that term btw!
It would be nice if prospective employers let us know why they didn't hire us. But unfortunately they don't. All you can do is know that you're a valuable asset to whomever you may work for in the future, and that that company has made a mistake by passing up the opportunity to have you as an employer. Be careful with the wine, if you're seeing a pattern develop, you may be heading in the direction of a transfer addiction. I've drank a little bit of wine, and I know that I have an addictive personality. So I keep it to special occasions with friends only. If I let myself drink when I'm alone and at random, then I may head down a road I don't want to go. Don't make that mistake and compromise your health and safety.
It's awesome that your fiancee will be in town soon. Let yourself relax and lean on her for emotional support. Talk about how you're feeling and what's going on. Remember that you're a person of substance and value that has something great to offer. Keep that mantra in your head as you go forth with applying and interviewing. Good luck to you, and if you ever need to talk let me know. :)
Being unemployed sucks! The best remedy is to keep yourself busy. Just because you're not working doesn't mean you can't fill your schedule with productive activities. Try making use of your local library, maybe volunteering at a local animal shelter, something of that nature. I notice with myself that the less I'm sitting at home, the more control I have over emo eating. I like that term btw!
It would be nice if prospective employers let us know why they didn't hire us. But unfortunately they don't. All you can do is know that you're a valuable asset to whomever you may work for in the future, and that that company has made a mistake by passing up the opportunity to have you as an employer. Be careful with the wine, if you're seeing a pattern develop, you may be heading in the direction of a transfer addiction. I've drank a little bit of wine, and I know that I have an addictive personality. So I keep it to special occasions with friends only. If I let myself drink when I'm alone and at random, then I may head down a road I don't want to go. Don't make that mistake and compromise your health and safety.
It's awesome that your fiancee will be in town soon. Let yourself relax and lean on her for emotional support. Talk about how you're feeling and what's going on. Remember that you're a person of substance and value that has something great to offer. Keep that mantra in your head as you go forth with applying and interviewing. Good luck to you, and if you ever need to talk let me know. :)
Well sounds like you have had a rough month or so. It's good that your out of corporate hell, that's a good thing!! I think when we get stressed/upset its so easy to fall back into the old routines of emo eating, that it is sort of like second nature. Are you exercising more than you were...maybe you are a tad more hungry since you are exercising more?
TV and movies are the hardest time for me...I find that I need something to do with my hands and prior to surgery I was used to having popcorn or oreos when watching a I found a solution that is silly. I went to toys r us and I bought play-do. I bought four little packs of play-do and I play with that while watching tv or a movie when I want to gives my hands something to do and takes my focus off the fact that I want to snack. I know that probably sounds silly but it works. I am sure things will get better when your fiance comes into town!!!! Sending warm positive thoughts your way
TV and movies are the hardest time for me...I find that I need something to do with my hands and prior to surgery I was used to having popcorn or oreos when watching a I found a solution that is silly. I went to toys r us and I bought play-do. I bought four little packs of play-do and I play with that while watching tv or a movie when I want to gives my hands something to do and takes my focus off the fact that I want to snack. I know that probably sounds silly but it works. I am sure things will get better when your fiance comes into town!!!! Sending warm positive thoughts your way


Emo eating is what I'm scared of after my wls. I'm so sick and tired of being FAT!!!
I so want this to work!
I loved the idea of the Play-doh. Knowing me I'd probably mold it into a replica of something edible, or end up accidently biting into it.
I think keeping your hands busy while you're idle is a good idea. I crochet, so I'm going to buy tons of yarn!
Also, I've discovered how good carrot sticks and broccoli are. (as opposed to crap food)
I don't drink, so I'm lucky there.
We are here for you!
I so want this to work!
I loved the idea of the Play-doh. Knowing me I'd probably mold it into a replica of something edible, or end up accidently biting into it.
I think keeping your hands busy while you're idle is a good idea. I crochet, so I'm going to buy tons of yarn!
Also, I've discovered how good carrot sticks and broccoli are. (as opposed to crap food)
I don't drink, so I'm lucky there.
We are here for you!
on 6/19/10 12:06 am
on 6/19/10 12:06 am
EMO eating!!! My God if there was a cure for that I would be Queen!!!!
I am so sorry about your job loss! I hope and pray the next job that comes your way is one for your highest good!!!
My doctor told me to have sliced veggies available when I feel the need to does kind of help! My prob is that I carry the world and so I will get up in the middle of the night sometimes!@#$% so the veggie thing has helped.
I hope you and your Fiance are having a whole lot of fun!
I am so sorry about your job loss! I hope and pray the next job that comes your way is one for your highest good!!!
My doctor told me to have sliced veggies available when I feel the need to does kind of help! My prob is that I carry the world and so I will get up in the middle of the night sometimes!@#$% so the veggie thing has helped.
I hope you and your Fiance are having a whole lot of fun!
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!