Warning: ***** Session
Incompetence drives me crazy - both my own and in other people. I have been actively working on getting WLS for the last year. I interviewed three surgeons in the Atlanta area, toured the surgical facilities, read read read read everything I Could get my hands on about WLS, made the final decision to go with RNY, and then began the process of approval. I completed a 6 month physician supervised diet (cause they know so much about weight loss - NOT), and have been having all my various releases and records sent the the surgeons office.
Except that none of them did what they were suppose to. They would send the wrong records, the wouldn't send enough, they would ignore my requests, they didn't have the FAX number, they faxed it, the checks in the mail, who are you? GRRRR I've heard every F***ing excuse in the book. I finally get the last approval (from my therapist) to the surgeon's office, and make the last phone call to her to ensure everything has been received ---- and she has left on vacation --- for 10 days. No one else knows anything. She has no backup. It's ridiculous.
Today she returned.... on;y to tell me things she said were done before are now not complete for some reason or another.
Ya know, I'm a pretty calm, laid back guy. But I at my last gay nerve and seriously considering changing surgeons.
Ok *****ing over.
Please reply with witty ways I can torture these people.
Seriously... you're going to go through the inner circle of hell and back before you get your approval.. it's just the nature of this beast. It took me 2 months from the date I finished my last appointment to the day I was on the surgery table (Would have taken longer, but the scheduler and I became close friends and she put me to the front of the list... I honestly think it was because she was so tired of me calling daily to follow up)
It will happen... it's enough to make you want to punch a muppet... but it will happen. This is the worst part about the whole ordeal.
Deep breath....
Keep your focus on getting things done towards your approval. It will all be worth it in the end! Trust me!