Weird things are happening...
I am in a situation right now where I have gone from 376lbs to 240lbs and just don't feel like me anymore. I don't have the confidence I had before nor do I feel like I am as butch as I once was.
Any thoughts?
I was afraid that I was going to turn into a little tiny girl, but thankfully I have a large bone structure and a wonderful friend gave me a weightlifting routine to help me get some muscles back (sore muscles make me feel GOOD!) .
I still feel as butch as ever, but it took me some time to get into a good head space. I'm just now getting to the point where I like the face I see looking back at me...some people actually think I'm attractive! Unreal!!
Keep thinking about it, and working on figuring out who you are're still you, but an improved version. If you wanna be butch, be butch if you wanna be femme then swing away- find what makes you happy, cuz no one else is gonna do it for ya!
Giving you a big butch handshake filled with positive thoughts!

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170

:Danni >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170
I am not one of your fellow butches but for me, it's been the opposite. Starting out at 450 and now 170, the more weight i lose, the less feminine i feel. I never considered myself to be ultra femme anyway.
This may be TMI but I'm a very aggressive femme in bed and now I am even more.
For the past year, I've been slowly changing my clothes and hair. I feel so much more comfortable in "butch clothes". For the past week, I have been thinking of either cutting my hair off, keep it braided in a not so feminine style or starting dreadlocks.
The last few times that I went to the club, i went very butch and was loving the attention that I got from femmes but still I don't have much confidence.
I feel like I'm living this double life. I have to be more feminine around my *****y mom so I don't have to hear her mouth and even though my butch partner doesn't say much about my changes, i know she doesn't like it. I'm more attracted to what we call "soft studs". Not too hard and not to soft.
This has been my latest issue and struggle. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one going through this.
Thanks for sharing and listening. WOW, i feel better getting that out. I feel like i was in confessional or on the couch talking to a shrink! LOL
I agree with the being who you are but it's harder than that when you are with someone who loves you but is attracted to a certain 'type.' Not to say she will love me less but I don't know about the attraction. She has a thing for chubby butch girls. Not only am I losing weight and not being as chubby but I'm not as butch as I once was either.
Ok that ends my rant.
While I certainly don't speak for all femmes out there, as much as your partner has a "thing" for chubby butch women, I'm sure that, somewhere inside, she also has a "thing" for having an active and healthy partner who will live for a very long time.
It might take a while to figure out how to navigate your new personal space with your different body, but don't worry about it so much. You do not have an obligation to be a certain "type" for anyone else, but you do have an obligation to live an authentic life and be as good to yourself as possible.
So, you've lost a LOT of weight. Losing weight, as we all know spawns very different feelings in all of us. You have to figure out with your new body what feels right to you. If you don't feel like shaving your hair off or dressing butch...then don't. The person you are with may be attracted to heavy butch girls but if she really loves YOU then it shouldn't matter to her. I love my wifey whether she puts on her football jersey and jeans or whether she decides to go for a flowery shirt and some dress slacks. It doesn't matter to me. She's beautiful either way. If someone truly loves you it should be the insides they are in love with. The outsides are merely just props.
That is one of the reasons I can proudly say, yes, I am bisexual (even though my wife've been with a woman for 14're a lesbian). No. I am attracted to what is on the inside. After years of being hurt all I wanted was someone to treat me right, to love me unconditionally, to grow old with. Thank god I found it in her, but had it been a man...would that have made me straight? I think not.
Ok, I'm rambling...time to reign it in. Look, what I'm trying to say is be comfortable with who YOU are. If your partner doesn't approve then she really doesn't love you. At that point ask yourself, don't I deserve better?
Peace, love and happiness to all of you!!!