Why Am I Not Happy?
Sharyn, RN
RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012
At least I know I am not alone haha. I will have to mention it to my dr. at my next visit. I feel ungrateful in a way. I love how I look with clothes on... haha. I also was put on depo shot recently to help with my horrible period cramps. Before surgery I was very irregular and now I guess I have gotten regulated and am suffering horrible cramps. So I dont know if the hormones in the depo have anything to do with it but if so I would almost rather have a few painful days of cramping than act like a raging crazy lady haha.
Thanks for your responses! I guess I am just gonna have up and down days sometimes.
It is a roller coaster ride and the emotions sometimes are all over the place....You do feel crazy....at times I think I was crazy...And oh yeah, when you can't numb out with food....everything is felt more!! This is life off of drugs (carbs,food, mindless eating).....it does stabilize. It helps to work out and breathe, and meditate....at least they all did help me...best to you!!
I too am going through the "Mind Games" I think it's a given with this experience. I tell myself, " I chose this and I will have to deal with it. " As long as you are happy with what you are doing and feel good you can cope. Hang in there. Talk to you physician or if you have a counselor talk to them. Keep posting. We're here for you!