Gas Pains & Lapband - Need Advice?!
Episode One: Went out for Sushi with coworkers. Ate my fare share of sushi (yes, I ate to much) but made selections with very little rice. There may have been shrimp in it too? I came back to work and within a few hours I had severe stomach pain. It was obviously gas pains from the bloating/pressure feelings I had. I went home ill, laid in bed for hours and could not get comfortable. I took some gas-x and just laid there. Felt like I was going to vomit several times (being a lapbander you know this is a No-No) all of a sudden a rush came over my body, I was going through the motions of having to vomit. I went in the bathroom, went through all of the motions with nothing coming out. After doing that 3-4 times, I went back to bed and the pain and pressure started to go away. The next day I was sore, but not nearly as bad as before. Episode Two: Went to a holiday party. Had a decent amount (ok, I over ate) of food & drink (carbonated). I had some grilled shrimp skewers, some dirty rice, pie, etc etc etc. Felt fine all night, came home and started to get that gasy bloated feeling again. I took some gas-x but still had the pains. Went through the same vomiting motion again… After 3-4 times of doing the vomit motion, all was getting better. It didn’t last as long as episode one, but still uncomfortable and painful. The next day I am still sore but not nearly as bad. Things in common from the two incidents: · over eating · Shrimp · Rice I usually keep frozen shrimp in my freezer at home so I don’t think it's the shrimp. Is it possible I am overeating and eating so fast that the gas is getting into my system? I know I am not supposed to eat rice because it expands but in all seriousness, I didn’t eat enough rice the second time to matter (I wouldn’t think) it was only a tablespoon (just a taste). My band was tightened in between the first and second episode. I've only had 4 adjustments. Is the importance of eating slow and chewing food well more important as you get tighter? Should I keep a supply of tums on me at all time? My lapband advocate/nurse practioner is not 100% sure what is going on… thoughts? Ideas? I keep thinking th worst like my body is rejecting my band and I am going to be fat again. LOL.
My g/f didn't understand my "need" to be so OUT THERE until she had surgery a few weeks ago. She burped really loud one day and I said "feels good didn't it?" and we cracked up.
So my advice is if you are gassy ..............FART!!

(I'm so classy, huh?) LOL!
on 12/8/09 12:05 pm - Houston, TX
not a bander here.. but and old fart at this.. for me the thing you might want to think about.. is you were at a gathering both times..
i do not do well eating around others..not sure what i do if i rush or feel obligated to keep the converstaion going..and i swallow makes me miserable..
not sure if this applies to you..
Ok so I have experienced this exact same thing. And I also know it is 100%related to the band and 100% related to gas expulsion. Here is what's going on... The upper pouch of your stomach and the new design of things in that region means you are eating slower and less food right? So naturally the lower part of your stomach under the band is smaller. When you are over eating. ( because that is the real culprit of this) you are filling your stomach too full. Your pouch is bypassed because of the drinking and eating at the same time. Flushing the food into the lower half of your stomach quickly. Now... As it fills up a normal unbanded person feels the feeling of "ugh! I ate too much" and they are uncomfortable. A banded person has that pain.... Plus they have the added pressure of the band on the pouch. To make things even worse... The gas being created by the food being broken down and the gas from anything you might have drank that was carbonated, are now trapped under the food in the lower part of your stomach. The gas cannot get out because the food is literally plugging the pouch entrance. The only way the body can expel this at this point is the dry heaving. Which the gas escapes in horrific sounds vomiting ( only no food comes back up). So number one... Stop flippen over eating. That's how you stretch your stomach out and make the lap band fail you by getting fat again. Number two... You have to take responsibility for your food and beverage decisions. Carbonated beverages are banned for a reason! Don't help the gas form!!! Guaranteed if you stop over eating this will not happen again. But it doesn't sound like you want that diagnoses. Sounds like you would like a pill so you can still over indulge without consequences. You are banded now..That is a whole new way of life. It's time you let the old one go and learn about your new one.
I just got banded last week...but my advice has nothing to do with the band at all...the 1st thing that came to mind when you were explaining this was when I was having the same sort of episodes a few years ago...Dr's kept telling me it was gas pain after 3 years found out i needed my gall bladder you still have yours? Maybe worth checking into if you do still have it =)
Good luck to you