What should I expect post surgery?
My lap band date is 10/28 and I am thinking abut how to manage my recovery the first few days or so. Will I be able to get up my friend' tairsthe first 1-3 days? My little boys and alwaysgo around together for Halloween ad I am wondering what everyone's advice is on driving in the car so I can keep un with them instead of walk this year. I hoped to return to work by Monday 11/2 but have some friends who are telling me I should take at least a week off. I think I am in the DENIAL ( didn't even know I am lying) to myself phase! Any lap band banter or bypass wisdom to share?
Bypass is sooooooooo different from the band. I know I was in the hospital from Tuesday to Sat. I had to shower daily (doc orders. No washing up at the sink.) so I was going up and down a flight of stairs once a day. Those were a killer. BUT keep in mind, I had my insides rearranged. I was off for a month and went to work and was having problems sitting for 5+ hours a night and not being able to move.
Good luck with all of it.
Good luck with all of it.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. You should check with your doc re: driving post-op since you may be on pain medication prohibiting driving. You may want to check out the lapband forum. If you notice this board is a slower traffic board cuz most people stick to the board that addresses their surgery. I hope your surgery goes smooth and your recovery speeeeedy.
on 10/6/09 1:52 am
on 10/6/09 1:52 am
Congrats on getting your surgery date! For me I was told no driving for 2 weeks. I took 2 weeks just to feel better but then again I never gave birth so maybe you will not be feeling as bad as I did. There is no lifting for a few weeks so hopefully you have great help around you!
I was off 3 weeks and this was mandatory from the dr that did my surgery and trust me I needed every bit! good luck to you!
I was off 3 weeks and this was mandatory from the dr that did my surgery and trust me I needed every bit! good luck to you!
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!