Drum Roll Please......
Well guys, gals, and everything in between. It's official. I got on the scale this morning and I saw the number I've been waiting awhile to see - 217.....that means 100lbs lost. I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around it, despite how much I've been working towards it. I will say this much
H3LL YEA!!!!!!
I got another little whoo hoo moment today just to make things a little sweeter. I flew home to see my family this weekend. It's the first time I've been on a plane since before the surgery. I actually fit in the seat!!!! No arm rest gabbing me in the ribs. No major struggle to get the seatbelt buckled. And I could actually breathe. Who knew?
Holy shiznit yes it does! I went to get some jeans today and I bought 38's...and they looked good! I haven't worn those in years! I can't wait to see where all this ends up and how far I can really go with it.
Some friends of mine and I are talking about going on a cruise in March. I'm half tempted to go for broke and see if I could be one of those girls that at least "almost" can get away with shorts and a bikini top lmao