Increased Cold Sensitivity
I'd like to think my body just has to adjust to the weight loss.
Any thoughts?
I was lucky enough to be losing weight during the summer of 2007, in what turned out to be one of Alabama's hottest summers in a long time. While everyone else was *****ing and moaning about the 100+ degree heat, I was actually quite comfortable. However, the following winter, which turned out to be pretty mild even by northern Alabama standards, I froze what little ass I had left off. It was horrible. I don't think I ever felt fully warmed up between November and March, no matter how many men I slept with... :-P
Even to this day, two and a half years out, I'm still very sensitive to the cold. Luckily, I now live just a few degrees north of the equator. No more winter. We do have a "cold" season here, where temperatures can drop all the way into the upper sixties in the morning, and I'm still bothered by the cold. And this year round relentless heat that everyone complains about, well, I kind of like it.
It's all right, though. If I'm either going to be too hot or too cold, I'll pick cold. I love snuggling underneath a warm blanket or a hot man. When it's too hot, I just feel dirty.
For some people, their temperature sensitivity drops with time. Mine has pretty much stayed the same. Several times this summer, I've worn my jacket in the afternoon when walking to the market. I'm pretty used to it, though. Feeling a little cold now and then is a small price to pay for losing 245 pounds.