Winter Fitness

Kevin D.
on 9/13/09 6:57 pm - Livonia, MI
Ok, this is premature since it's still September but as most of you know I'm one of those planner types...

The cold dark months of Winter are coming... Well, unless you live in a warm state... then they're just dark.

Anyways, Since the weight limit on the Wii Fit no longer applies to me (I'm less than 300 lbs.) I've been considering getting one for some cardio. I've also given thought to getting DDR.

I know I should just get a gym membership but my track record isn't too perfect with those.

Anyways, does anyone have any input on this subject?

We live in the most brightly illuminated of dark ages. - Paul Heins

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Just Brooke
on 9/13/09 9:50 pm
I was thinking the same thing. I hate the cold ..and the snow. Eh. I know I'll be doing lot's of sledding with my daughter ..other than that I have no ideas other than something indoors! 

on 9/13/09 10:32 pm - Mogadore, OH
Revision on 07/31/13

Winter exercise is a dilemma. I have really gotten into cycling but I know I won't be doing it this winter. For the past 16 months, I've been doing the treadmill at home for 30 minutes each work day morning. I added a stationary bike to give some variety. I also do not have a good track record with gyms. I never feel comfortable there. The reality is I work 45 minutes from home and carpool. By the time I get home, it's getting late and I leave early already each morning. I know I need to make the gym a priority.

Last winter I bought a Wii Fit and have to admit I was not sure how it would work. It actually gives you a great workout. I looked at reviews on games and bought one called My Fitness Coach. It is pretty effective and is programmed well. I think I will go back to it this winter.

One of my goals after losing weight is to learn how to swim. It's embarrassing to say I don't know how. Well, we are going on a cruise in December so I wanted to be able to go snorkeling. I signed up for an adult swim class and the first lesson is tonight. I am hoping that I will take a liking to it and also the wellness center. It's not too far from home and would be somewhat convenient.  I just have this fear of gyms and "fit" people.

Thanks for thinking ahead. I know I need to plan something.


Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at 

on 9/14/09 4:47 am
Tom, Congrats on learning to swim!!!   I wish you no fear as floating is just extreme pleasure to me!!! 

Band removed and feeling alive with energy!

(deactivated member)
on 9/14/09 12:17 am
I actually find I have more time to work out in the winter than in the summer.  I do water aerobics twice a week at night and now I've added Zumba on Saturday.  I'm probably going to go back to doing the weights a few nights a week as well seeings how things are finally dying down.
I thought I'd be all over the wii fit, but I have a hard time committing to doing workouts in my house with all the distractions.

on 9/14/09 12:11 pm
I LOVE my Wii Fit! I have heard that EA Sports Active is better though. The Fit is also an awesome way to keep up with your progress. You can also keep track of your other exercise if you do any...including house work!!!

What is a DDR???

If you have a Fitness 19 around you, it is worth it. I got in at a good time and only pay $12 a month. There is no contract and if you get a personal trainer, you'll be more inclined to go and it'll be more interesting. I don't think they cost much there either.

Good luck!!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
on 9/15/09 1:26 am - Pinole, CA
I haven't felt confident enough to go to a gym or do much exercising in public aside from walking, so I have wii fit, ea active, and ddr and I use them all and love them.  DDR (dance dance revolution) is really fun!
Don M.
on 9/15/09 3:42 am - Los Angeles, CA
This may not be the most helpful post, but I wanted to put in my two cents here.

I always HATED the gym.  HATED it.  I felt out of place, like everyone was staring at me, like I was in a warzone and caught behind enemy lines.  But 6 weeks after the surgery, I forced myself to start going to the gym regularly and I'm glad I did.

Here's the twist: I'm not glad I went for the excercise.  I'm glad I went because going to my gym has helped me get past all sorts of psychological bull**** that was holding me back.  First I owned my right to work out at the gym.  When running home to change became too much of a hassle, I got used to changing in the locker room.  That led to me eventually having the guts to shower in their facilities - where there are no freakin shower curtains.

While I can't say I love my body yet, I'm definitely more confident in it because of these experiences.  The only way for me to get over this stuff was to face it head on and throw myself straight into my fears.  I'm stronger for it.

Just thought I'd share.
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