Physcological thing
I had the opposite issue but it was still a problem..... I stress UN ate.....I would hardly eat. Before surgery I kept tract of what I ate and it was approx 1200 calories....when I pushed myself to eat. I could go all day and not eat till dinner. Well with my metabolic disorder and stalling my metabolism because I would not eat I kept gaining weight.
So they decided to fix my metabolic problem I needed to have surgery plus at the time I had 4 other co-morbidity's. The dietitian and the psychologist I had to see were both concerned that I would not eat enough after surgery.
I have had to work hard to make myself eat 5 times a day but it has helped me in some weird mental way. I know I HAVE to eat so I just do it. In my head I feel like I am eating way to much but the reality is I'm lucky to get 600 to maybe at the max 800 calories in a day and I see that when I do eat regular I lose the weight and when I do not eat so much I stall......crazy game I have to play.