Affraid of being to weak
Have you ever been sooo hungry that you became weak or just couldnt focus on work or the simplist task? I'm a 911 Police Disptacher so i cannot afford to have a mind like this.
I fear that once having the surgery and only being able to eat 1 oz in the beginning and for a while after that, that i will not be able to focus.
You have to realize that After suregery, you will no longer have that overwhelming sense of hunger like you do now. Some people don't feel hungry at all and eat only by schedule. Some people(including me) get a slight hunger feeling and don't necessarly go by schedule.
Example: I recently had an abcessed tooth and had a severe infection in my jaw/neck area. It took my dentist 4 days to send me to have a infection drain. I was so sick and my jaw/neck was so swollen, I could not eat for those 4 days. I was weak after a couple of days because I had no nutrition in my system and only antibiotics & pain medication. I never once felt weak or faint because of a hunger feeling! I know the feeling your talking about. You stomach no longer feels so empty its attached to your back bone or any of that....
Morgan M.
~I joined the 's on 3/31/2009~