roller coaster!
Wow! I keep having to remind myself that this is a journey and it ain't gonna happen overnight. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up with severe acid reflux, but I wasn't sure if it was indeed reflux, so ended up in urgent care. That same week, I was scheduled to get a fill on Oahu but didn't know if he'd do it with all the acid issues. After we talked about it, we decided on a very small fill. 2 days later, I ended up in the er having the fluid removed because I couldn't keep anything down. One very good thing that came from all that misery is I finally dipped below 200! That made it all worth while. So last week, I felt good but was hungry all the time. I gained back about 5 pounds which was disappointing, but I knew it would change as soon as I got another fill, which I did on Tuesday. I've already dropped a couple of pounds so I'm feeling good about that.
I've posted a couple of new pix that i'm feeling good about. It's the first time since surgery that I've felt good enough to have a full body picture posted. I like progress. :P
I've posted a couple of new pix that i'm feeling good about. It's the first time since surgery that I've felt good enough to have a full body picture posted. I like progress. :P
I know where you are coming from on the pics. For the first time in years I am comfortable with me in full body pics. Good luck and keep up the good work. Lap band fills can be unpredictable at times.
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