Update/research progress
What was most interesting was my emotions and reactions. When I first walked into the room, a big room about half-filled with 40 or so people. I became very emotional, with tears in my eyes. An overwhelming sens of sadness, that I had come to this point. That I was a failure. that I was not like these "other" people - FAT people. And this sort of rolled into a anxiety attack, with me sweating and really wanting to run.
But I stayed.
The whole group dynamic was probably not the best intro for me. There were so many distractions by people - cell phones, babies whining, people shuffling and huffing and puffing. Ugh.
Most of the info I had already read about repeatedly. But I did get a little insight in that I really heard them pushing a bit on gastric bypass over banding. The RNY has significantly better results, and happens in a more automoatic way, because of the malabsorption qualities, over the band, which deals only with restriction.
I still have this idea that the rearranging of your intestines is just not "natural" and could have some serious long term effects.
This Wednesday I have an appointment with one of the premier therapists in the arena of eating disorders. I want to be sure I have worked out - or at least gotten under control - the "stuff" behind the weight. I don't want to have this radical procedure and then find myself 3-5 years down the road fat again and no other alternatives.
The initial group meeting can be very daunting. I am a Kaiser member so I understand the jumping thu hoops but in retrospect the classes did me alot of good. With Kaiser they follow up with you in groups every three months post op. It has been interesting to see the people that went to the initial class and those that have had the surgery and been succesful.
I never considered the band I had too many comorbidities I had a RNY 06/10/2008 my intial weight when I began my classes was 300# at surgery I weighed 275# today almost 14 months out I weigh 168# . I am off all my medications I have completely changed my life.
I continue to follow all the rules it is just part of my life. I get my fluids, take my supplements, eat protein first and do not drink with meals. easy... I excersise regularly. One thing I have realized is that my OCD has actually nade it easier to eat the right foods.
Good luck on your journey!
It is a sad fact we feel alone as we start our journey. My journey is going on 1 1/2 years now. I have learned that my support group and this forum is what keeps me focused. You will hear many stories and see people at all stages. Many are new, some have failed, some are going gang busters, they all have unique stories. Keep on listening and researching. You will find your answer soon enough. I am a band patient and happy with my results. I probably would have lost more with RNY. As people will be telling you, these are tools. It's how you use them that drives your success. Best of luck!
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com
I had to do a 9 month mostly liquid diet before my surgery and during that time, my total behavior around food changed. I was now eating to live instead of living to eat. I made better choices and it really helped me to maintain this pattern well after my surgery. After dropping 251 pounds, I'm not looking back one bit :)