In addition to being a comedian just about my entire life I have also been a singer. Classically trained,, since the age of 6.. Singing has since been a HUGE joy in my life and often the ONE thing that has made me truly happy,, even at 400 pounds.. But, I have not sung since surgery in February. Friday night I did.. I met up with some friends at a local bar for Kareoke night… Normally it’s a lot of fun. I go I knock them dead with my singing voice get lots of OOOs and Awwwws. However, this time was different. For the first time in MY LIFE I was awful.. Well not awful as compared to the other people that were there.
Its not that I forgot how…. More like my body just wont let me do it. A singer’s, control pitch, resonance come from the abdomen you use your abdominal muscles to regulate the flow of air over your vocal cords. Suddenly I either don’t have the abdominal strength or I’m just not able to get enough air from my abdomen to control the sound the way I used to.. Is there anyone out there who can relate to this problem??? I suppose “I" should have thought about this before surgery. But, it has TOTALLY caught me off guard and I’m not sure how to deal with it. I mean is that part of my life over now because I had this surgery??? Do I just have to learn to live with it? Or do I need to start seeing a coach again and learn how to use it again? If I have to give up music then I will say that this has to be my low point after surgery.

It seems like an appointment with your coach would not hurt and would be a positive step.
I will say that I'm a bit concerned about how my voice cracks. it's like I have a higher mucus build up for some bizzare reason.
One of my big weigh loss goals was that once I got down to a weight I was personally happy with I would go back and start auditioning for musicals.
Good Luck!
Oh well the mucus thing REALLY SUCKED.. and to get out a sustained note too long with out cracking totally useless... I talked to a vocal specialist today on the way to work and I have an appointment next week. She said that she has seen MANY post ops with the same problem. LAP BAND specifically. That seam to have trouble after surgery. She most of the time its just a matter of retaining and learning to use it a little differently.. So hopefully I fall into that category.
Thanks for the input. We'll have to chat sometime.