48hours til surgery
Well, i leave tomorrow for Mexicali for my pre-op testing, then it is surgery Monday morning. I plan to take my laptop with me , once able i can check in with everyone.
I am all packed. Someone recommended a heating pad, any comments, should i bring one?
blood monitor, camera, robe, slippers, PJs, loose clothing, toothbrush, paste, washcloth, pillows, GasX strips, chapstick, meds
anything i am forgetting....????
Zac, I swear I am biting my nails. We joined the board on the same day and here you are all grown up and going off to Mexico. I shoulda just hopped a flight and gone with you cause you're all I'm going to be thinking about you till I hear that your home safe and sound and everything went well. Good lord, I'm a mess. I'll be checking for your updates periodically. take care, please.
Be Strong!!