Well I decided on a Surgeon for VSG Alberto Aceves
Logistically i live in San Diego, so the send a car to pick me up (no brainer)
They also have after care support group and continious followup.
Filled out the medical preop questionnaires today.
Hoping to have a date in 2 weeks....
thanks everyone for your support.
now i am obsessing about getting protein drinks , chewable vitamin, all the things i will need for post surgery.
any suggestions would help.

Way to go Zac. The support group and follow up is so vital and I'm glad you made the choice you did. Them sending a car ain't bad either. :)
I will probably be going to Mexico for my PS in about another year or so. Any referrals you get on that page would be helpful.
One piece of advise I would give is start taking all your vitamins now... part of it is because it helps fortify you but also it gets you in the timing habit. Such as you need to not take iron within two hours of any calcium (supplements or calcium foods such as milk/cheese). Since you'll have to take calcium three times a day (because you need 1500 mg and can't absorb more than 500 mg at a time) and multi with iron twice a day (also because of max absorption), you have to figure out how to time all of this. Start doing it now before you have to also add in the rest of the postop issues.
Also begin making sure you drink at minimum of 64 oz of water a day doing small sips (not gulping). This is the second huge hurdle postop is staying hydrated. Practice this now and it will be much easier after surgery.
I don't do protein shakes on my plan so I can't help you there.
Best of luck to you!!!
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10